(11) EP 0 659 353 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
05.07.2000 Bulletin 2000/27

(21) Application number: 94309692.5

(22) Date of filing: 22.12.1994
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7A24C 5/40


Kit for making a smoking article

Satz für die Herstellung eines Rauchartikels

Equipement pour la fabrication d'un article à fumer

(84) Designated Contracting States:
Designated Extension States:

(30) Priority: 23.12.1993 EP 93310504

(43) Date of publication of application:
28.06.1995 Bulletin 1995/26

2003 Neuchâtel-Serrières (CH)

(72) Inventors:
  • Nyffeler, Urs
    CH-2012 Auvernier (CH)
  • Badertscher, Thomas
    CH-2053 Cernier (CH)

(74) Representative: Marlow, Nicholas Simon 
Reddie & Grose 16, Theobalds Road
London WC1X 8PL
London WC1X 8PL (GB)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A- 0 155 514
DE-A- 1 809 983
FR-A- 1 387 178
EP-A- 0 567 891
DE-C- 57 847
US-A- 3 385 302
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The present invention relates to a kit for making a smoking article for assembly by a smoker. It also relates to a novel smoking article.

    [0002] It is known to provide, separately, unsmokable components of cigarettes to smokers for assembly into smokable cigarettes. Conventionally, a tobacco rod wrapped in a very high porosity paper wrapper and, separately, an empty hull consisting of a cylinder of conventional cigarette wrapper closed at one end by a conventional filter plug attached to the wrapper by conventional tipping are provided.

    [0003] The porosity of the very high porosity wrapper is such that the tobacco rod cannot be smoked. It is chosen, bearing in mind the packing density and other characteristics of the tobacco in the rod, to ensure that this is the case. Typical porosity values for the very high porosity wrappers are around 20000 Coresta units. The smoker inserts the tobacco rod into a hull to make a smokable cigarette. A cigarette of this type is disclosed in EP-0 155 514, in which the tobacco rod has a wrapper with many large perforations, rendering it unsmokable.

    [0004] Another cigarette component system, described in European Patent Application No. 93 305 363.9, consists of a tobacco column wrapped in a conventional cigarette wrapper. At one end, a hollow cylindrical extension is provided by a continuation of the wrapper beyond the tobacco column. The extension is treated to make it unsmokable. The rod cannot be smoked, since drawing on the extension will cause it to collapse, and the unsmokeable nature of the extension makes it impossible to light that end and smoke the rod. The smoker renders the rod smokable by inserting a filter plug into the extension.

    [0005] DE-A-1 809 983 discloses the manufacture of a cigarette of conventional appearance the filler of which is a bunched up sheet of reconstituted tobacco.

    [0006] According to the invention there is provided a kit for making a smoking article comprising: a hull comprising a hollow cylinder of wrapping closed at one end by a filter; and separately, reconstituted tobacco, characterised in that the reconstituted tobacco comprises a plurality of sheets of reconstituted tobacco, at least one of the sheets having a different tobacco composition to others of the sheets, a principal dimension of each sheet of reconstituted tobacco being substantially equal to the length of the hollow cylinder.

    [0007] Preferably the sheets of smoking material are generally rectangular, and have a width the same as the hollow length of the hull.

    [0008] In order to make a smoking article, a smoker rolls a sheet reconstituted tobacco into a cylinder of slightly smaller diameter than that of the hull, and inserts the rolled sheet into the open end of the hull.

    [0009] The invention also provides a smoking article comprising a plurality of sheets of reconstituted tobacco, at least one of the sheets having a different tobacco composition to others of the sheets, rolled into a cylinder inside a cylindrical wrapper, the cylindrical wrapper being closed by a filter.

    [0010] The sheet of reconstituted tobacco may be of flue cured, Burley, oriental or blended tobacco. It is envisaged that a kit may include several relatively thin sheets of reconstituted tobacco, of different tobaccos or blends. The smoker selects two or more such sheets, and rolls them together for insertion into a single hull. In this way, the smoker can blend his own tobacco.

    [0011] The smoker can add flavouring material to a sheet before rolling it up and inserting it into the hull. The flavouring material can be solid, such as a powder, or liquid.

    [0012] The invention will be further described by way of example with reference to the drawing which shows a part of a preferred kit according to the invention, in the process of being made into a smoking article.

    [0013] The kit shown in the drawing consists of a hull 10 and a sheet 12 of reconstituted tobacco. In the drawing, the sheet 12 is shown rolled into a cylinder.

    [0014] The hull 10 comprises a cylinder 14 of cigarette wrapper joined at one end to a filter. The cylinder 14 consists of a sheet of conventional cigarette wrapper formed into a cylinder and glued along its free edges. The filter is axially aligned with the cylinder 14 and joined thereto by conventional tipping 16.

    [0015] The smoker rolls the sheet 12 of reconstituted tobacco into a cylinder of slightly smaller diameter than the hull 10, and inserts the rolled sheet into the open end of the cylinder 14 of the hull 10, as shown in the drawing. The smoker pushes the rolled sheet 12 into the hull, so that the sheet abuts the filter. The assembled smoking article can be smoked as a conventional smoking article.

    [0016] In another embodiment, not shown, the smoker rolls cut filler in a sheet of smoking material, such as a sheet of reconstituted tobacco, and inserts the thus formed rod into the hull of cigarette wrapper.


    1. A kit for making a smoking article comprising: a hull (10) comprising a hollow cylinder (14) of wrapping closed at one end by a filter; and separately, reconstituted tobacco, characterised in that the reconstituted tobacco comprises a plurality of sheets (12) of reconstituted tobacco, at least one of the sheets having a different tobacco composition to others of the sheets, a principal dimension of each sheet of reconstituted tobacco being substantially equal to the length of the hollow cylinder.
    2. A smoking article made from a kit according to claim 1.
    3. A smoking article comprising a plurality of sheets of reconstituted tobacco, at least one of the sheets having a different tobacco composition to others of the sheets, rolled into a cylinder inside a cylindrical wrapper (14), the cylindrical wrapper being closed by a filter.


    1. Satz zum Herstellen eines Rauchartikels, der Folgendes umfasst: eine Hülle (10), die einen hohlen Umhüllungszylinder (14) aufweist, der an einem Ende mit einem Filter verschlossen ist, und, separat, rekonstituierten Tabak, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der rekonstituierte Tabak eine Mehrzahl von Blättern (12) aus rekonstituiertem Tabak aufweist, wobei wenigstens eines der Blätter eine andere Tabakzusammensetzung hat als die anderen Blätter, wobei eine Hauptabmessung jedes Blatts aus rekonstituiertem Tabak weitgehend gleich der Länge des hohlen Zylinders ist.
    2. Rauchartikel, der aus einem Satz gemäß Anspruch 1 hergestellt ist.
    3. Rauchartikel, der eine Mehrzahl von Blättern aus rekonstituiertem Tabak aufweist, wobei wenigstens eines der Blätter eine andere Tabakzusammensetzung als die anderen Blätter hat, die zu einem Zylinder in einer zylindrischen Hülle (14) gerollt sind, wobei die zylindrische Umhüllung von einem Filter verschlossen wird.


    1. Kit de fabrication d'un article pour fumeurs comprenant : une coque (10) comprenant un cylindre creux (14) d'enveloppement fermé à une extrémité par un filtre ; et séparément, du tabac reconstitué, caractérisé en ce que le tabac reconstitué comprend une pluralité de feuilles (12) de tabac reconstitué, au moins une des feuilles ayant une composition de tabac différente de celles des autres feuilles, une dimension principale de chaque feuille de tabac reconstitué étant sensiblement égale à la longueur du cylindre creux.
    2. Article pour fumeurs, réalisé à partir d'un kit selon la revendication 1.
    3. Article pour fumeurs, comprenant une pluralité de feuilles de tabac reconstitué, au moins une des feuilles ayant une composition de tabac différente de celles des autres feuilles, enroulées en un cylindre à l'intérieur d'une enveloppe cylindrique (14), l'enveloppe cylindrique étant fermée par un filtre.
