(11) EP 0 746 499 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
12.07.2000 Bulletin 2000/28

(21) Application number: 95912638.4

(22) Date of filing: 28.02.1995
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7B65B 21/00, B65B 27/04, B65B 17/02, B65B 21/24, B65B 11/10
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 9523/091 (31.08.1995 Gazette 1995/37)





(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 28.02.1994 GB 9403787

(43) Date of publication of application:
11.12.1996 Bulletin 1996/50

Dayton Ohio 45463 (US)

(72) Inventor:
  • PORTRAIT, Pascal
    F-36800 Saint-Gaultier (FR)

(74) Representative: Hepworth, John Malcolm et al
Hepworth Lawrence Bryer & Bizley Bloxam Court Corporation Street
Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2DU
Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2DU (GB)

(56) References cited: : 
US-A- 2 351 596
US-A- 3 127 720
US-A- 3 742 677
US-A- 3 908 332
DE-A- 1 586 235
US-A- 2 751 730
US-A- 3 701 230
US-A- 3 766 704
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The invention relates to apparatus for packaging articles such as bottles and more particularly to apparatus for engaging a carton, for example of a wraparound type, with an array of articles and folding the side panels of the carton against the articles.

    [0002] Known apparatus of this general type is disclosed by Ebbinghaus in US 3,908,332 and Zabatone in US 3,827,211. In the former, a packaging machine is disclosed having pressure bars mounted on an endless chain which engage and press downwardly upon the top panel of a carton blank. This causes the top panel, which contains apertures through which bottle necks extend, to lower onto the bottles. The cartons are then loaded onto a conveyor belt and passed between two rotating blades which cause downward folding of the side panels of the carton blank.

    [0003] Zabatone discloses a packaging machine having bars carried on an endless chain which push down the top panel of a carton blank onto an array of articles. Again, the carton top panel has an array of apertures through which necks of bottles can extend. In contrast to Ebbinghaus however, Zabatone discloses use of a fixed, rotating blade to fold down one side panel of the carton and a plough forming bar for folding down the other side panel.

    [0004] DE 1, 586,235 illustrates a carton folding and lowering mechanism which shows one conveyor for lowering the carton and a second conveyor for folding the sides of the carton. The resulting machine is longer which is undesirable.

    [0005] The present invention seeks to avoid or at least mitigate various problems of the prior art.

    [0006] According to one aspect of the invention there is provided a carton folding mechanism for lowering and partially folding a carton around an array of necked articles such as bottles, comprising means for moving the carton relative to the array of articles so as to engage the article necks, means for folding the side panels of the carton to a position adjacent the sides of the articles characterised in that there further comprises a drive mechanism for driving both folding means and moving means along an endless path. Preferably, the moving means and folding means may be guided through an inclined path at the carton engaging part of their endless path such that the moving means abuts the carton and causes it to move downwardly relative to the array of articles.

    [0007] According to an optional feature of this aspect of the invention the folding means and lowering means may cooperate to cause at least partial lowering of the carton onto an array of articles.

    [0008] According to another optional feature of this aspect of the invention the folding means may comprise a first and second folding plate which are spaced from one another so as to be able to fold separate carton side panels. Preferably, the folding means may comprise a plate having a bevelled leading edge which cooperates with the moving means.

    [0009] According to another optional feature of this aspect of the invention the separation of the first and second folding plates may be adjustable so that the mechanism is usable with various types of arrays of articles having one, two or more rows of articles.

    [0010] According to a further optional feature of this aspect of the invention the moving means may comprise a series of lugs protruding from the folding means and separated from one another along the direction of flow of cartons through the mechanism. Preferably, the lugs may be telescopic such that they are extendible to adapt to the type of array of articles being packaged.

    [0011] The invention will now be described, by way of example only, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:-

    FIGURE 1 is a schematic side elevation view of a machine according to the invention;

    FIGURE 2 is a schematic perspective view from above of the machine according to the invention as shown in Figure 1 adapted for a two-by-two array of articles; and

    FIGURE 3 is an exploded perspective view of an embodiment of a machine according to the invention.

    [0012] Referring to Figure 1, there is shown part of the lowering and folding apparatus 10 according to the invention which comprises lowering lugs 12 and side panel folding plates 14. As can be seen from Figures 2 and 3, two of the lowering lugs, namely 12a and 12c extend from one side of the apparatus whilst a third lowering lug 12b is positioned between both lugs 12a and 12c and extends from the other side of the apparatus.

    [0013] In operation a regularly spaced series of lowering and folding devices 12 and 14 are moved along an endless path for example by a chain mechanism such as 16 and 18 shown in Figure 3. An unfolded carton blank C positioned on top of an array of necked articles, such as bottles B, which are conveyed along a conveyor 20. The blank C is caused to be lowered onto the necked articles by engagement with leading lowering lug 12a followed by engagement with the other lowering lugs 12b and 12c as the group of articles are conveyed along the path P indicated by an arrow in each of the figures. Advantageously, the side panel folding plates 14 can comprise a bevelled leading edge 15 such that the side folding plates 14 initially act on a finite length of side panel at first engagement rather than a point. Further, leading edge 15 and leading lug 12a can be caused to engage a carton C at the same time by appropriately configuring the angle of inclination of the downward movement of the lowering and folding assemblies on their drive chains relative to the separation and relative positions of lugs 12a and leading edges 15. This is shown schematically for the second array of articles in Figure 1. Thus, a leading part of a carton C can be engaged at the same time as a relatively rearward part of a carton thus causing the carton to be lowered on the necks of an array of bottles B in a substantially horizontal manner. Therefore, the risk of disturbing an array of articles through non-horizontal lowering of a carton is minimized.

    [0014] As an array of articles continues along path P the side panel folding plates 14 are caused to rotate into a substantially upright position thereby folding downwardly the side panels of carton C. At the same time central lug and rearward lug 12b and 12c respectively are lowered into engagement with the carton top panel thus ensuring that the carton is properly engaged on the necks of the array of articles. The partially packaged array of articles is then conveyed further along path P to a known mechanism for folding the base panels of the wraparound carton C into engagement with the bottoms of the articles so as to form a packaged carton.

    [0015] As can be seen by comparing Figures 1 and 2, apparatus 10 is readily usable with a variety of arrays of articles. In Figure 1 a side elevation view is shown of a series of three bottles B which could be in an array of two rows similar to the two-by-two array shown in Figure 2. Alternatively, the machine is adaptable to more rows of articles or only a single row. With regard to the latter arrangement, the lugs 12 can advantageously be made relatively short so that by moving drive chain 16 and 18 closer together along their support beams 22 and 24 shown in Figure 3, the apparatus 10 is easily adaptable for a single line carton. As can be seen in Figure 2, the length of lugs 12 are substantially equal to one another and of the order of the diameter of a bottle B. Thus, side panel folding plates 14 can still be used to fold the side panels of a carton adapted for a single line of articles. Of course any number of lugs could be used in the mechanism and indeed the side folding devices need not be a single plate. Additionally, the lugs can be telescopic such that they could be extended to suit the width of carton being used, which is of course dependent on the number of rows of articles being packaged.

    [0016] The apparatus 10 is shown in more detail in Figure 3 wherein it can be seen that the drive chains 16 and 18 are each driven around a guided path by various guides and wheels referred to generally as 26 and 28 of chains 16 and 18 respectively. Thus, a continuous endless path of movement can be provided for a series of lowering and folding assemblies 12 and 14 positioned at spaced intervals along the drive chain.


    1. A carton folding mechanism (10) for lowering and partially folding a carton (C) around an array of necked articles (B) such as bottles, comprising means (12) for moving the carton relative to the array of articles so as to engage the article necks, means (14) for folding the side panels of the carton to a position adjacent the sides of the articles characterised in that there further comprises a drive mechanism (16, 18) for driving both folding means and moving means along an endless path.
    2. A mechanism according to claim 1 characterised in that the moving means (12) and folding means (14) are guided through an inclined path at the carton engaging part of their endless path such that the moving means (12) abuts the carton and causes it to move downwardly relative to the array of articles.
    3. A mechanism according to claim 1 or claim 2 characterised in that the folding means (14) and moving means (12) cooperate to cause at least partial lowering of the carton (C) onto an array of articles.
    4. A mechanism according to any of claims 1 to 3 characterised in that the folding means comprises a first and second folding plate (14) which are spaced from one another so as to be able to fold separate carton side panels.
    5. A mechanism according to claim 4 wherein the or each plate is provided with a bevelled leading edge (15) which cooperates with the moving means.
    6. A mechanism according to claim 4 or claim 5 wherein the separation of the first and second folding plates (14) is adjustable so that the mechanism (10) is usable with various types of arrays of articles having one, two or more rows of articles.
    7. A mechanism according to any preceding claim characterised in that the moving means comprises a series of lugs (12a, , 12b, 12c) protruding from the folding means and separated from one another along the direction of flow of cartons through the mechanism.
    8. A mechanism according to claim 7 wherein the lugs (12) are telescopic such that they are extendible to adapt to the type of array of articles being packaged.


    1. Schachtelfaltmechanismus (10) zum Herablassen und teilweisem Falten einer Schachtel (C) um eine Anordnung von Gegenständen mit Hälsen (B) wie etwa Flaschen, wobei der Mechanismus eine Einrichtung (12) zum Bewegen der Schachtel relativ zu der Gegenstandsanordnung umfasst, um die Gegenstandshälse in Eingriff zu nehmen, sowie eine Einrichtung (14) zum Falten der Seitenwandflächen der Schachtel in eine Stellung angrenzend an die Seiten der Gegenstände, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass jener ferner einen Antriebsmechanismus (16, 18) zum Antrieb sowohl der Falteinrichtung als auch der Bewegungseinrichtung entlang eines Endlosweges umfasst.
    2. Mechanismus nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Bewegungseinrichtung (12) und die Falteinrichtung (14) über eine geneigte Wegstrecke an dem die Schachtel in Eingriff nehmenden Teil ihres Endlosweges geführt werden, derart, dass die Bewegungseinrichtung (12) an die Schachtel stößt und bewirkt, dass sich jene nach unten relativ zu der Gegenstandsanordnung bewegt.
    3. Mechanismus nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Falteinrichtung (14) und die Bewegungseinrichtung (12) zusammenwirken, um wenigstens ein teilweises Herablassen der Schachtel (C) auf eine Gegenstandsanordnung zu bewirken.
    4. Mechanismus nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 3, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Falteinrichtung eine erste und eine zweite Faltplatte (14) umfasst, die voneinander beabstandet sind, derart, dass sie die Schachtelseitenwandflächen getrennt falten können.
    5. Mechanismus nach Anspruch 4, wobei jede der Platten mit einer abgeschrägten Führungskante (15) bereitgestellt ist, die mit der Bewegungseinrichtung zusammenwirkt.
    6. Mechanismus nach Anspruch 4 oder 5, wobei die Trennung der ersten und der zweiten Faltplatte (14) eingestellt werden kann, derart, dass der Mechanismus (10) mit verschiedenen Arten von Gegenstandsanordnungen mit einer, zwei oder mehreren Reihen von Gegenständen verwendet werden kann.
    7. Mechanismus nach einem der vorstehenden Ansprüche, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Bewegungseinrichtung eine Reihe von Nasen (12a, 12b, 12c) umfasst, die aus der Falteinrichtung hervorstehen und entlang der Laufrichtung der Schachteln durch den Mechanismus voneinander getrennt sind.
    8. Mechanismus nach Anspruch 7, wobei die Nasen (12) ausziehbar sind, derart, dass diese verlängert werden können, um sich an die Art der zu verpackenden Gegenstandsanordnung anzupassen.


    1. Mécanisme de pliage de cartons (10) destiné à abaisser et plier en partie un carton (C) autour d'un groupement d'articles à goulot (B) tels que des bouteilles, comprenant des moyens (12) pour déplacer le carton par rapport au groupement d'articles afin qu'il s'engage sur les goulots des articles, des moyens (14) pour plier les panneaux latéraux du carton jusque dans une position adjacente aux côtés des articles, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend, en outre, un mécanisme d'entraînement (16, 18) destiné à entraîner, à la fois, les moyens de pliage et les moyens de déplacement le long d'un trajet sans fin.
    2. Mécanisme selon la revendication 1, caractérisé en ce que les moyens de déplacement (12) et les moyens de pliage (14) sont guidés sur un trajet incliné à hauteur de la partie d'engagement du carton de leur trajet sans fin, de telle sorte que les moyens de déplacement (12) s'appuient sur le carton et le forcent à se déplacer vers le bas par rapport au groupement d'articles.
    3. Mécanisme selon la revendication 1 ou la revendication 2, caractérisé en ce que les moyens de pliage (14) et les moyens de déplacement (12) coopèrent pour provoquer un abaissement, au moins partiel, du carton (C) par-dessus un groupement d'articles.
    4. Mécanisme selon l'une quelconque des revendications 1 à 3, caractérisé en ce que les moyens de pliage comprennent des première et seconde plaquettes de pliage (14) qui sont placées à distance l'une de l'autre de façon à pouvoir plier des panneaux latéraux espacés du carton.
    5. Mécanisme selon la revendication 4, dans lequel l'une des plaquettes ou chacune d'elles est dotée d'un bord avant en biseau (15), qui coopère avec les moyens de déplacement.
    6. Mécanisme selon la revendication 4 ou la revendication 5, dans lequel l'espacement des première et seconde plaquettes de pliage (14) est réglable, afin que le mécanisme (10) soit utilisable avec divers types de groupements d'articles ayant une, deux ou plus de deux rangées d'articles.
    7. Mécanisme selon l'une quelconque des revendications précédentes, caractérisé en ce que les moyens de déplacement comprennent une série de doigts (12a, 12b, 12c) formés en saillie sur les moyens de pliage et espacés les uns des autres dans la direction de circulation des cartons à travers le mécanisme.
    8. Mécanisme selon la revendication 7, dans lequel les doigts (12) sont télescopiques afin d'être extensibles pour s'adapter au type de groupement d'articles qui est emballé.
