(11) EP 0 781 239 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
26.07.2000 Bulletin 2000/30

(21) Application number: 95903098.2

(22) Date of filing: 16.09.1994
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7B65D 75/00, B65D 71/00
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 9608/423 (21.03.1996 Gazette 1996/13)





(84) Designated Contracting States:

(43) Date of publication of application:
02.07.1997 Bulletin 1997/27

Dayton Ohio 45463 (US)

(72) Inventors:
  • STOUT, James, T.
    Ellijay, GA 30540 (US)
  • DE MAIO, James, B.
    Henderson, NV 89014 (US)

(74) Representative: Hepworth, John Malcolm et al
Hepworth Lawrence Bryer & Bizley Bloxam Court Corporation Street
Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2DU
Rugby, Warwickshire CV21 2DU (GB)

(56) References cited: : 
US-A- 4 300 680
US-A- 5 197 598
US-A- 4 588 084
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] This invention relates generally to hand carried article carriers and is particularly concerned with the construction of hand gripping apertures and related scores formed in the top and side walls of the carrier.

    [0002] US patent application serial number 65, 277 filed May 21, 1993 and owned by the assignee of this invention discloses and claims a heavy duty article carrier in which special scored are formed in the carrier top wall which cooperate with hand hole apertures to effect efficient distribution of the carrier load.

    [0003] US 4 588 084 and owned by the assignee dicloses a bottle carrier having a composite top wall with fold lines extending from hand apertures to the adjacent corner of the top wall.

    [0004] One aspect of the invention provides an article carrier for packaging a plurality of articles and comprising a bottom wall having opposed side and end edges, a bottom end flap foldably joined to each end edge of the bottom wall, side walls having opposed end edges and having top and bottom edges in which each bottom edge is foldably joined to a side edge of the bottom wall, an end wall panel foldably joined along a side edge thereof to each end edge of each of the side walls, a composite top wall having opposed side and end edges foldably joined along its side edges to the top edges of the side walls respectively, a top end flap foldably joined to each end edge of the top wall and secured in flat face contacting relation to each adjacent end wall panel, a pair of finger receiving apertures formed in the top wall, a primary score line formed in the top wall and extending from each end of each of the apertures to the adjacent corner of the composite top wall, characterised in that there further comprises a supplementary score line of similar construction to the primary score lines and extending from a point of intersection with each of the primary score lines at an acute angle thereto and across a side edge of the composite top wall, and in that the primary score line comprises a first part which extends from the associated aperture to the point of intersection and a second part which extends from the point of intersection to the adjacent corner of the composite top wall and the first and the second parts being disposed at an obtuse angle to each other.

    [0005] In one embodiment, each of the second parts of each of the primary score lines may extend from the point of intersection to each end edge of each of the side walls. Alternatively, each of the second parts of each of the primary score lines may extend from the point of intersection to each top edge of each of the side walls.

    [0006] A second aspect of the invention provides a carton blank for forming an article carrier for packaging a plurality of articles, comprising a first top panel, a first side panel, a based panel, a second side panel, and a second top panel foldably connected together in series, wherein the first top panel and the second top panel when erected form a composite top wall, a pair of finger receiving apertures and a primary score line being formed in the top wall, the primary score line extending from each end of each of the hand hold apertures to the adjacent corner of the top wall characterised in that there further comprises a continuous supplementary score line of similar construction to the primary score lines extends from a point of intersection with each of the primary score lines at an acute angle thereto and across a side edge of the top wall and in that the primary score line comprises a first part which extends from the associated aperture to the point of intersection and a second part which extends from the point of intersection to the adjacent corner of the composite top wall and the first and the second parts being disposed at an obtuse angle to each other.

    [0007] In the drawings, FIG. 1 is a plan view of a blank as seen from the inside; FIG. 2 is a view of the blank shown in FIG. 1 after certain folding operations have been effected and while the carrier is still in collapsed form; FIG. 3 is a collapsed view of a completed carrier; and FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the collapsed carrier shown in FIG. 3 in fully set up condition.

    [0008] With reference to FIG. 1 the numeral 1 designates the bottom wall of the carrier and the numerals 2 and 3 designate end flaps foldably joined to the bottom wall 1 along fold lines 4 and 5 respectively. A side wall 6 is foldably joined to a side edge of bottom wall 1 along fold line 7. An end flap 8 is foldably joined to side wall 6 along fold line 9. An end flap 10 is foldably joined to side wall 6 along fold line 11. Side wall 12 is foldably joined to bottom wall 1 along fold line 13 and end flap 14 is foldably joined to side wall 12 along fold line 15. End flap 16 is foldably joined to side wall 12 along fold line 17. Product removal and reinsertion structures 18 and 19 are formed in side walls 6 and 12 respectively. These structures simply constitute tear lines which interconnect with fold lines 20 and 21. Pull tabs 22 and 23 are provided to impose a tearing force to weakened severance lines 24, 25, 26 and 27 to provide removal and reinsertion of packaged items as is obvious.

    [0009] The top wall of the carrier is a composite structure and includes panel 28 foldably joined to side wall 6 along fold line 29. End flaps 30 is foldably joined to panel 28 along fold line 31 and weakened severance line 32 is formed in end flap 30 and extends into panel 28. At the other side of the blank, end flap 33 is foldably joined to panel 28 along fold line 34 and weakened severance line 35 is formed in panel 33 and extends into top panel 28. A hand gripping aperture 36 is formed in panel 28.

    [0010] At the other end of the blank panel 38 is foldably joined to side wall 12 along fold line 39. End flap 40 is foldably joined to panel 38 along fold line 41 and a weakened severance line 44 is formed in flap 40 and extends into panel 38. End flap 42 is foldably joined to panel 38 along fold line 43. A weakened severance line 45 is formed in end flap 42 and extends into panel 38. A hand hole aperture 48 is formed in panel 38.

    [0011] A primary score line 50 is provided in accordance with this invention and extends from one end of hand hole aperture 48 to the adjacent corner 51. A supplementary score line 52 intersects primary score line 50 at a point of intersection 53 and supplementary score line 52 extends across the edge 39 of panel 38 and intersects the end edge of side wall 12 at point 54. Primary score line 50 includes a first part which extends from hand hole aperture 48 to the point of intersection 53. Primary score line 50 includes a second part which extends from point of intersection 53 to corner 51 of panel 38.

    [0012] Similarly on the other side of the panel 38 a primary score line 60 extends from one end of hand hole aperture 48 to the corner 61 of panel 38. A supplementary score line 67 extends from a point of intersection 68 with primary score 60 to cross the edge 39 of panel 38 to intersect the side wall 12 at 70.

    [0013] The score lines associated with panel 28 and side wall 6 are identified with the same numerals as are used to identify the score lines associated with panel 38 except the suffix "a" is used to identify score lines associated with panel 28.

    [0014] These particular score lines constitute a major feature of this invention and have been found to strengthen greatly the overall integrity of the carrier thus to make possible the use of board of a lower caliper than is normally required for this type of service.

    [0015] A reinforcing strip 75 is foldably joined to panel 38 along fold line 76. End flaps 77 and 78 are foldably joined to the ends of reinforcing strip 75. Reinforcing strip 75 including end panels 77 and 78 are folded upwardly and to the left along fold line 76. This folding operation causes the debossed structure 82 to coincide with embossed line 81 and causes the debossed structure 82 to overly the embossed strip 83. The panel 38 including its end flaps 40 and 42 as well as the reinforcing strip 75 and associated structure are elevated along with side wall 12 and folded along fold line 13 to occupy the position shown in FIG. 2.

    [0016] With the components arranged as shown in FIG. 2, panel 28 and end flaps 30 and 33 are elevated and folded to the right along fold line 29. This causes the edge 28b of panel 28 to coincide with the side edge 48b of hand hole aperture 48 and the structure then appears as shown in FIG. 3.

    [0017] When the collapsed carton as shown in FIG. 3 is set up into its fully loaded position, it appears in perspective as shown in FIG. 4. As shown in FIG. 4, the primary score line 50 extends from the hand hole opening 48 to the corner 51 of the top panel 38. The supplementary score 52 interconnects with the primary score 50 at interception point as indicated at 53. This score extends over the corner of panel 38 of the carton and into the end of side wall 12 as indicated at 54. Similar structure as that shown in FIG. 4 in connection with primary score 50 are utilized at each corner of the top wall.

    [0018] Experience with the structure of this invention has indicated substantial benefits in that the novel structure involving the special score lines in the top wall which extend into the side wall act to distribute the weight very efficiently and thus enable the use of a lower caliper paperboard than is customarily required for structures of this type.


    1. An article carrier for packaging a plurality of articles and comprising a tubular structure formed from a plurality of panels including a top wall and a bottom wall and opposed end closure structure provided by upper and lower end closure panels, a pair of finger receiving apertures (36, 48) formed in said top wall, a primary score line (50, 50a, 60, 60a) formed in said top wall and extending from each end of each of said apertures (36, 48) to the adjacent corner (51, 61; 51a, 61a) of said composite top wall, characterised in that there further comprises a supplementary score line (52, 52a, 67, 67a) of similar construction to said primary score lines and extending from a point of intersection (53, 57a, 68, 68a) with each of said primary score lines at an acute angle thereto and across a side edge of said composite top wall, and in that said primary score line comprises a first part which extends from the associated aperture (48) to said point of intersection (53) and a second part which extends from said point of intersection (53) to the adjacent corner (51) of said composite top wall and said first and said second parts being disposed at an obtuse angle to each other.
    2. An article carrier as claimed in claim 1 wherein said bottom wall (1) having opposed side and end edges, a bottom end flap (2, 3) foldably joined to each end edge of said bottom wall, side walls (6, 12) having opposed end edges (9, 11; 15, 17) and having top and bottom edges (29, 7; 39, 13) in which each bottom edge (7, 13) is foldably joined to a side edge of said bottom wall (1), an end wall panel (8, 10; 14, 16) foldably joined along a side edge thereof to each end edge (9, 11; 15, 17) of each of said side wails, said top wall (28, 38) having opposed side and end edges (31, 34, 41, 43; 39, 16, 29) foldably joined along its side edges to the top edges of said side wails respectively, a top end flap (30, 33; 40, 42) foldably joined to each end edge (31, 34; 41, 43) of said top wall and secured in flat face contacting relation to each adjacent end wall panel.
    3. An article carder according to claim 1 wherein each of said second parts of each of said primary score lines extends from said point of intersection to each end edge of each of said side walls.
    4. An article carrier according to claim 1 wherein each of said second parts of each of said primary score lines extends from said point of intersection to each top edge of each of said side walls.
    5. A carton blank for forming an article carrier for packaging a plurality of articles, comprising a first top panel (28), a first side panel (6), a based panel (1), a second side panel (12), and a second top panel (38) foldably connected together in series, wherein the first top panel and the second top panel when erected form a composite top wall, a pair of finger receiving apertures (36, 48) and a primary score line (50, 50a, 60, 60a) being formed in said top wall, said primary score line extending from each end of each of said hand hold apertures to the adjacent corner (51, 61; 51a, 61a) of said top wall characterised in that there further comprises a continuous supplementary score line (52, 52a; 67, 67a) of similar construction to said primary score lines extends from a point of intersection with each of said primary score lines at an acute angle thereto and across a side edge (29, 39) of said top wall and in that said primary score line comprises a first part which extends from the associated aperture (48) to said point of intersection (53) and a second part which extends from said point of intersection (53) to the adjacentcorner (51) of said composite top wall and said first and said second parts being disposed at an obtuse angle to each other.


    1. Gegenstandsträger zum Verpacken einer Vielzahl von Gegenständen, wobei dieser eine röhrenförmige Struktur umfasst, die aus einer Vielzahl von Wandflächen ausgebildet ist, die eine Deckenwand und eine Bodenwand und eine gegenüberliegende Endverschlussstruktur einschließen, die durch untere und obere Endverschlusswandflächen bereitgestellt ist, sowie ein Paar Finger-aufnehmender Öffnungen (36, 48), die in der Deckenwand ausgebildet sind, eine primäre Kerblinie (50, 50a, 60, 60a), die in der Deckenwand ausgebildet ist und die sich von jedem Ende jeder der Öffnungen (36, 48) zu der angrenzenden Ecke (51, 61; 51a, 61a) der zusammengesetzten Deckenwand erstreckt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Gegenstandsträger ferner eine Zusatz-Kerblinie (52, 52a, 67, 67a) in einer der primären Kerblinien entsprechenden Ausgestaltung umfasst, die sich von einem Schnittpunkt (53, 53a, 68, 68a) mit jeder der primären Kerblinien in einem spitzen Winkel dazu und über eine Seitenkante der zusammengesetzten Deckenwand erstreckt, und dadurch, dass die primäre Kerblinie einen ersten Teil umfasst, der sich von der dazugehörigen Öffnung (48) zu dem Schnittpunkt (53) erstreckt, sowie einen zweiten Teil, der sich von dem Schnittpunkt (53) zu der angrenzenden Ecke (51) der zusammengesetzten Deckenwand erstreckt, wobei der erste und der zweite Teil in einem stumpfen Winkel zueinander angeordnet sind.
    2. Gegenstandsträger nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Bodenwand (1) gegenüberliegende Seiten- und Endkanten aufweist, eine Bodenendklappe (2, 3), die faltbar mit jeder Endkante der Bodenwand verbunden ist, Seitenwände (6, 12), die gegenüberliegende Endkanten (9, 11; 15, 17) aufweisen sowie ferner Decken- und Bodenkanten (29, 7; 39, 13), wobei jede Bodenkante (7, 13) faltbar mit einer Seitenkante der Bodenwand (1) verbunden ist und eine Endwandfläche (8, 10; 14, 16), die faltbar entlang einer Seitenkante davon mit jeder Endkante (9, 11; 15, 17) jeder der Seitenwände verbunden ist, wobei die Deckenwand (28, 38), die gegenüberliegende Seiten- und Endkanten (31, 34, 41, 43; 39, 76, 29) aufweist, faltbar entlang ihrer Seitenkanten mit den Deckenkanten der jeweiligen Seitenwände verbunden ist, sowie eine Deckenendklappe (30, 33; 40, 42), die faltbar mit jeder Endkante (31, 34; 41, 43) der Deckenwand verbunden ist und mit jeder angrenzenden Endwandfläche in flächenberührender Beziehung befestigt ist.
    3. Gegenstandsträger nach Anspruch 1, wobei sich jedes der zweiten Teile jeder primären Kerblinie von dem Schnittpunkt jeder Endkante jeder Seitenwand erstreckt.
    4. Gegenstandsträger nach Anspruch 1, wobei sich jedes der zweiten Teile jeder primären Kerblinie von dem Schnittpunkt jeder Deckenkante jeder Seitenwand erstreckt.
    5. Schachtelzuschnitt zum Ausbilden eines Gegenstandsträgers mm Verpacken einer Vielzahl von Gegenständen, der eine erste Deckenwandfläche (28) umfasst sowie eine erste Seitenwandfläche (6), eine Grundwandfläche (1), eine zweite Seitenwandfläche (12) und eine zweite Deckenwandfläche (38), die faltbar miteinander in Reihe verbunden sind, wobei die erste Deckenwandfläche und die zweite Deckenwandfläche, wenn diese aufgerichtet sind, eine zusammengesetzte Deckenwand ausbilden, ein Paar Finger-aufnehmender Öffnungen (36, 48) und eine primäre Kerblinie (50, 50a, 60, 60a), die in der Deckenwand ausgebildet ist, wobei sich die primäre Kerblinie von jedem Ende einer jeden Handgrifföffnung in die angrenzende Ecke (51, 61; 51a, 61a) der Deckenwand erstreckt, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Zuschnitt ferner eine durchgehende Zusatz-Kerblinie (52, 52a, 67, 67a) in einer der primären Kerblinien entsprechenden Ausgestaltung umfasst, die sich von einem Schnittpunkt mit jeder der primären Kerblinien in einem spitzen Winkel dazu und über eine Seitenkante (29, 39) der Deckenwand erstreckt, und dadurch, dass die primäre Kerblinie einen ersten Teil umfasst, der sich von der dazugehörigen Öffnung (48) zu dem Schnittpunkt (53) erstreckt, sowie einen zweiten Teil, der sich von dem Schnittpunkt (53) zu der angrenzenden Ecke (51) der zusammengesetzten Deckenwand erstreckt, wobei der erste und der zweite Teil in einem stumpfen Winkel zueinander angeordnet sind.


    1. Porte-article destiné à conditionner une pluralité d'articles et comprenant une structure tubulaire formée à partir d'une pluralité de panneaux comportant une paroi supérieure et une paroi inférieure et une structure de fermeture d'extrémité opposée comportant des panneaux de fermeture d'extrémités supérieure et inférieure, une paire d'ouvertures de réception de doigt (36, 48) formées dans ladite paroi supérieure et une ligne de découpage principale (50, 50a, 60, 60a) formée dans ladite paroi supérieure et s'étendant à partir de chaque extrémité de chacune desdites ouvertures (36, 48) vers le coin adjacent (51, 61; 51a, 61a) de ladite paroi supérieure composite, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend, en outre, une ligne de découpage supplémentaire (52, 52a, 67, 67a) de construction similaire auxdites lignes de découpage principales et s'étendant à partir d'un point d'intersection (53, 57a, 68, 68a) avec chacune desdites lignes de découpage principales suivant un angle aigu par rapport à celles-ci et à travers un bord latéral de ladite paroi supérieure composite, et en ce que ladite ligne de découpage principale comprend une première partie qui s'étend à partir de l'ouverture associée (48) vers ledit point d'intersection (53) et une seconde partie qui s'étend à partir dudit point d'intersection (53) vers ledit coin adjacent (51) de ladite paroi supérieure composite, lesdites première et seconde parties étant disposées suivant un angle obtus l'une par rapport à l'autre.
    2. Porte-article selon la revendication 1, dans lequel ladite paroi inférieure (1) comprenant des côtés et des bords d'extrémité opposés, un rabat d'extrémité inférieure (2, 3) relié de manière à pouvoir être plié à chaque bord d'extrémité de ladite paroi inférieure, des parois latérales (6, 12) comprenant des bords d'extrémité opposés (9, 11 ; 15, 17) et comprenant des bords supérieur et inférieur (29, 7 ; 39, 13), dans lequel chaque bord inférieur (7, 13) est relié de manière à pouvoir être plié à un bord latéral de ladite paroi inférieure (1), un panneau de paroi d'extrémité (8, 10 ; 14, 16) relié de manière à pouvoir être plié le long d'un bord latéral de ce dernier à chaque bord d'extrémité (9, 11 ; 15, 17) de chacune desdites parois latérales, ladite paroi supérieure (28, 38) comprenant des bords latéraux et d'extrémité opposés (31, 34, 41, 43 ; 39, 16, 29) reliés de manière à pouvoir être plié le long de ses bords latéraux respectivement aux bords supérieurs desdites parois latérales, un rabat d'extrémité supérieure (30, 33 ; 40, 42) relié de manière à pouvoir être plié à chaque bord d'extrémité (31, 34 ; 41, 43) de ladite paroi supérieure et fixé en relation de contact facial plan sur chaque panneau de paroi d'extrémité adjacent.
    3. Porte-article selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacune desdites seconde parties de chacune desdites lignes de découpage principales s'étend à partir dudit point d'intersection de chaque bord d'extrémité de chacune desdites parois latérales.
    4. Porte-article selon la revendication 1, dans lequel chacune desdites seconde parties de chacune desdites lignes de découpage principales s'étend à partir dudit point d'intersection de chaque bord supérieur de chacune desdites parois latérales.
    5. Flanc en carton destiné à former un porte-article afin de conditionner une pluralité d'articles, comprenant un premier panneau supérieur (28) un premier panneau latéral (6), un panneau de base (1), un second panneau latéral (12) et un second panneau supérieur (38) reliés de manière à pouvoir être pliés ensembles en série, dans lequel le premier panneau supérieur et le second panneau supérieur lorsqu'ils sont érigés, forment une paroi supérieure composite, une paire d'ouvertures de réception de doigt (36, 48) et une ligne de découpage principale (50, 50a, 60, 60a) étant formées dans ladite paroi supérieure, ladite ligne de découpage principale s'étendant à partir de chaque extrémité de chacune desdites ouvertures formant poignée vers le coin adjacent (51, 61; 51a, 61a) de ladite paroi supérieure, caractérisé en ce qu'il comprend, en outre, une ligne de découpage supplémentaire continue (52, 52a ; 67, 67a) de construction similaire auxdites lignes de découpage principales s'étendant à partir d'un point d'intersection avec chacune desdites lignes de découpage principales suivant un angle aigu par rapport à celles-ci et transversalement à un bord latéral (29, 39) de ladite paroi supérieure, et en ce que ladite ligne de découpage principale comprend une première partie qui s'étend à partir de l'ouverture associée (48) vers ledit point d'intersection (53) et une seconde partie qui s'étend à partir dudit point d'intersection (53) vers le coin adjacent (51) de ladite paroi supérieure composite, ladite première et ladite seconde partie étant disposées suivant un angle obtus l'une par rapport à l'autre.
