[0001] The technological innovation in question consists in a plastic material hard box
with a small artificial magnetic field built in , which extends shaving as well as
hair removal razor blades functionality.
[0002] Granted inventions patents showing alike features (US2792108; WO 94/09670), which
claim their safety razor blades cutting potential preservation, already exist.
[0003] However, this invention is an innovatory one both for creating a different magnetic
field and for its shape as well as its operative requirements.
[0004] As a matter of fact, its magnetic field other than previous inventions, is of a random
kind, not balanced : this entails a continuous electrons exchange between the blade
being treated and the magnets, by eventually turning the blade itself into a magnet.
[0005] The shape consists in two parts, respectively a square base, magnetized by setting
4 small artificial magnets with a central support bearing razors in vertical position
and a vertically set hollow parallelepipedon shaped cover , closed on its upper side
and open in its lower side this one as well magnetized by setting n.11 small artificial
magnets inside.
[0006] Once the blade is fixed on its support and the box closed, an airtight space turns
up, other than the previous inventions, where the amount of oxygen is kept constant
and outside air impact is nil. Such conditions imply a higher effectiveness of the
magnetizing treatment.
[0007] Therefore, submitting the above-mentioned razor to the magnetic field impact extends
its cutting effectiveness, which, in absence of


, consists in n 2 or 3, max 4 shaves while , the razor being set inside the box every
time after using it, it can be used ten times and over, which means more effectively
if compared with previous patents.
[0008] Actually, the good sharpening outcome is affected by oxidizing the metal the blade
is made of; oxidation occurs when a metal gets in contact with air; oxygen bonds with
metal atoms withdrawing electrons from it.
[0009] Magnetic flux developing inside the invention magnetizes the blade by microscopically
lining up the spins on the same and turning it into magnetic in its turn; such bombardment
of electrons slows down the electrons conveyance chemical process from metal to surrounding
air remarkably preventing oxidation, as oxygen inside the box finds a surplus of electrons.
[0010] The first drawing (Fig.1) herewith attached shows the manufacture structure, drawn

exploded view

and magnets arrangement as well as blades support.
[0011] The second drawing (Fig.2) shows what the open box ready for razor arrangement looks
like; up to the light magnets creating the magnetic field.
[0012] The third drawing herewith attached (Fig.3) shows the closed box with razor set-in
and magnets position on the walls; such position allows the higher balance of magnetic
flux on the razor.
1. Creating an active unbalanced artificial magnetic field for shaving and hair removing
razor blades preservation from wear;
2. Creating a small size box which hermetically holds an artificial magnetic field, delivering
electrons to the oxygen held inside the box and extending shaving and hair removing
razor blades usage;
3. Creating a magnetic field designed so that to magnetize the blades fixed inside the
same in their turn.