(11) EP 0 972 743 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
23.07.2003 Bulletin 2003/30

(21) Application number: 99660074.8

(22) Date of filing: 06.05.1999
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7B66F 11/04


Product series of trailer mounted aerial work platforms

Produktserie von auf Anhänger montierten Arbeitshebebühnen

Séries de produit des plate-formes de travail montées sur remorque

(84) Designated Contracting States:
Designated Extension States:

(30) Priority: 13.07.1998 FI 980337 U

(43) Date of publication of application:
19.01.2000 Bulletin 2000/03

(73) Proprietor: Dino Lift Oy
32210 Loimaa (FI)

(72) Inventor:
  • Godenhielm, Lars-Petter Berndt Leonard
    32210 Loimaa (FI)

(74) Representative: Pelin, Torolf 
Berggren Oy Ab, P.O. Box 16
00101 Helsinki
00101 Helsinki (FI)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A- 0 672 612
EP-A- 0 747 316
EP-A- 0 732 300
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The invention relates to a method of manufactoring any one model selected from among a plurality of models forming a range of work platform products, wherein each model embodies a trailer-mounted arial work platform, which is easier to manufacture than earlier solutions, and the construction of which can be more easily modified during manufacture for different models. The trailer mounted aerial work platform can be manufactured for many different hoisting purposes.

    [0002] Trailer mounted aerial work platforms are generally used for any kind of work where the person carrying out the work must be raised to a higher working level than normally, see, for example, EP-A-0 732 300, which is the most relevant state of the art. Work like this includes painting, washing windows, and various building and installation work, among others. Trailer mounted aerial work platforms are generally manufactured for maximum working heights of about 10 to 25 metres.

    [0003] The aerial work platform should be designed to allow the hoist to be easily moved from place to place by towing. For this reason, the construction of the base of the passenger hoist must meet certain requirements. The base must naturally be steady enough during lifting, but as light as possible when towed. The size of the base should also allow it to pass through narrow places when towed.

    [0004] The trailer mounted aerial work platform is manufactured with either a telescopic boom construction or an articulating telescopic boom construction. A trailer mounted aerial work platform with a telescopic boom is of simple construction and it is often used in construction and installation work. An aerial work platform of telescopic boom construction has an adjustable telescopic boom. The working height to be used is determined by the length of the telescopic boom.

    [0005] A trailer mounted aerial work platform of articulating telescopic boom construction differs from a platform of telescopic boom construction in that it also comprises articulated arms. The construction of a passenger hoist with an articulating telescopic boom enables vertical movement of the cage. An aerial work platform of articulating telescopic boom construction also has an adjustable telescopic boom. The working height to be used is determined by the length of the telescopic boom together with the position of the articulated arms.

    [0006] In an aerial work platform of articulating telescopic boom construction, the articulated arms make up a part of the lifting height, whereby the length of the telescopic boom can be reduced. Therefore an aerial work platform with articulating telescopic boom construction can be made shorter than a platform of telescopic boom construction which can reach a similar height.

    [0007] In prior art trailer mounted aerial work platforms, the individual construction has been a problem with regard to manufacture. Because aerial work platforms have often had different requirements of use, many different sizes and models have been manufactured. Aerial work platforms have been manufactured in small series, and the planning, testing and manufacture of each size and model has been carried out separately. This has brought about the need for a new kind of a product series of trailer mounted aerial work platforms, which is easier to manufacture than earlier platform solutions, and which is constructed of a smaller number of different parts.

    [0008] It is the object of the present invention to provide a method of manufactoring any one model selected from among a plurality of models forming a range of work platform products, wherein each model embodies a trailer-mounted arial work platform by which the above mentioned problems can be solved and the defects corrected. In order to achieve this, the trailer mounted aerial work platform is characterized in that the aerial work platform is implemented as a modular construction, which comprises a boom construction and a base construction, combined with a turning device construction of the desired type.

    [0009] The trailer mounted aerial work platform thus consists of modules. The platform construction according to the invention comprises a boom module and a base module, which are combined with a slew device module of the desired type.

    [0010] In the following, the invention will be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings, of which
    Figure 1
    shows the trailer mounted aerial work platform according to the invention with telescopic boom construction,
    Figure 2
    shows the trailer mounted aerial work platform according to the invention with articulating telescopic boom construction,

    [0011] In Figure 1, the trailer mounted aerial work platform is implemented with telescopic boom construction. The trailer mounted aerial work platform of telescopic boom construction comprises a boom module 3 and a base module 1, which are combined with a slew device 2. A cage module 4 is attached to the boom module 3. The base module 1 comprises wheels 5, 6 and stabilizers 7. The cage module 4 is raised to the intended point of operation by means of hydraulics 8, 9.

    [0012] In Figure 2, the trailer mounted aerial work platform is implemented with articulating telescopic boom construction. The trailer mounted aerial work platform of articulating telescopic boom construction comprises a boom module 3 and a base module 1, which are combined with a slew device 11 and articulated arms 10. A cage module 4 is attached to the boom module 3. The base module 1 comprises wheels 5, 6 and stabilizers 7. The cage module 4 is raised to the intended point of operation by means of hydraulics 8, 12, 13.

    [0013] The trailer mounted aerial work platforms is implemented as a modular construction so that a base module 1 of the same size class can be used both in hoists of articulating telescopic boom construction and in hoists of articulating telescopic boom construction reaching the same hoisting height. Correspondingly, a boom construction 3 of a certain size class used in hoists of telescopic boom construction can also be used in hoists of articulating telescopic boom construction reaching the next hoisting height.

    [0014] Trailer mounted aerial work platforms can be manufactured for maximum working heights of approx. 7 to 35 metres. The new kind of a product series of trailer mounted aerial work platforms is easier to manufacture than the earlier solutions. The construction of the aerial work platform enables easier manufacture of the desired platform model. The trailer mounted aerial work platform can be manufactured for many different lifting purposes.


    1. A method of manufacturing any one model selected from among a plurality of models forming a range of work platform products, wherein each model embodies a trailer-mounted aerial work platform including a hoist unit, said hoist unit comprising an extendable boom unit selected from among a plurality of extendable boom units and mounted on a base unit by means of an appropriately selected slew device unit, the method including the steps of:

    - providing an extendable boom unit selected from said plurality thereof in accordance with prescribed operational requirements, whereby said plurality comprises at least one extendable boom unit of telescopic construction and at least one extendable boom unit of combined articulating and telescopic construction;

    - providing a corresponding slew device unit selected from a plurality thereof, whereby each slew device unit comprised within said plurality is compatible with a corresponding one of said plurality of extendable boom units and the slew device unit actually selected is compatible with the extendable boom unit selected in the preceding step;

    - providing a base unit; and

    - thereupon assembling the hoist unit by:

    - mounting the selected slew device unit on the base unit; and

    - assembling the proximal end of the selected extendable boom unit to said slew device unit.



    1. Verfahren zum Herstellen eines beliebigen Produktes, das aus einer Mehrzahl von Produkten ausgewählt wurde, die eine Reihe von Arbeitsbühnenprodukten bilden, wobei jedes Produkt eine auf einem Anhänger angeordnete Arbeitshebebühne darstellt, die eine Hebezeugeinheit einschließt, wobei die genannte Hebezeugeinheit eine verlängerbare Auslegereinheit einschlließt, die aus einer Mehrzahl von Auslegereinheiten ausgewählt wurde und auf einer Grundeinheit mittels einer passend ausgewählten Schwenkvorrichtungseinheit montiert ist, wobei das Verfahren die folgenden Verfahrensschritte einschließt

    - Bereitstellen einer verlängerbaren Auslegereinheit, die aus einer Mehrzahl solcher Einheiten in Übereinstimmung mit vorbeschriebenen Arbeitsanforderungen ausgewählt wurde, wobei diese Mehrzahl von Auslegereinheiten zumindest eine verlängerbare Auslegereinheit in Teleskopbäuweise und zumindest eine verlängerbare Auslegereinheit in kombinierter Glieder-Teleskopbauweise einschließt;

    - Bereitstellen einer entsprechenden Schwenkvorrichtungseinheit, die aus einer Mehrzahl solcher Einheiten ausgewählt wurde, wobei jede Schwenkvorrichtungseinheit dieser Mehrzahl solcher Einheiten mit einer entsprechenden der Mehrzahl von verlängerbaren Auslegereinheiten zusammenzuwirken vermag und die aktuell ausgewählte Auslegereinheit mit der verlängerbaren Auslegereinheit zusammenzuwirken vermag, die im vorhergehenden Verfahrensschritt ausgewählt worden ist;

    - Bereitstellen einer Grundeinheit und

    - anschli.eßendes Zusammenbauen der Hebezeugeinheit durch:

    - Zuordnen der ausgewählten Schwenkvorrichtungseinheit zu der Grundeinheit und

    - Zusammenbauen des näheren Endes der ausgewählten verlängerbaren Auslegereinheit mit der genannten Schwenkvorrichtungseinheit.



    1. Procédé pour fabriquer un modèle quelconque sélectionné parmi une pluralité de modèles constituant une gamme de produits de plate-forme de travail, dans lequel chaque modèle constitue une plate-forme de travail aérienne montée sur remorque comprenant une unité de levage, ladite unité de levage comprenant une unité de flèche extensible sélectionnée parmi une pluralité d'unités de flèches extensibles et montée sur une unité de base à l'aide d'une unité de dispositif de pivotement sélectionné de façon appropriée, le procédé comprenant les étapes consistant à :

    - disposer une unité de flèche extensible sélectionnée parmi ladite pluralité de celles-ci en fonction d'exigences de fonctionnement prescrites, grâce à quoi ladite pluralité comprend au moins une unité de flèche extensible de construction télescopique et au moins une unité de flèche extensible de construction articulée et télescopique combinée ;

    - disposer une unité de dispositif de pivotement correspondante sélectionnée parmi une pluralité de celles-ci, grâce à quoi chaque unité de dispositif de pivotement comprise dans ladite pluralité est compatible avec une unité correspondante de ladite pluralité d'unités de flèches extensibles et l'unité de dispositif de pivotement effectivement sélectionnée est compatible avec l'unité de flèche extensible sélectionnée lors de l'étape précédente ;

    - disposer une unité de base ; et

    - assembler ensuite l'unité de levage en :

    - montant l'unité de dispositif de pivotement sélectionnée sur l'unité de base ; et en

    - assemblant l'extrémité proximale de l'unité de flèche extensible sélectionnée sur ladite unité de dispositif de pivotement.

