(11) EP 0 893 202 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
07.04.2004 Bulletin 2004/15

(21) Application number: 98500139.5

(22) Date of filing: 10.06.1998
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC)7B24B 19/22, B41M 3/14, B65H 5/22, B44B 5/00, B44C 1/22


Device for obtaining safety stamps applicable to paper or other laminar elements

Vorrichtung zum Herstellen von Sicherheitsstempeln für Papier oder andere laminierte Elemente

Dispositif pour l'obtention de marques de sécurité applicables au papier ou autres éléments laminés

(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 14.07.1997 AR 10315197

(43) Date of publication of application:
27.01.1999 Bulletin 1999/04

(73) Proprietors:
  • Ciccone, Nicolas Tadeo
    1407 Buenos Aires (AR)
  • Ciccone, Héctor Hugo
    1407 Buenos Aires (AR)

(72) Inventors:
  • Ciccone, Nicolas Tadeo
    1407 Buenos Aires (AR)
  • Ciccone, Héctor Hugo
    1407 Buenos Aires (AR)

(74) Representative: Del Santo Abril, Natividad 
Oficina Garcia Cabrerizo, S.L., Vitruvio, 23
28006 Madrid
28006 Madrid (ES)

(56) References cited: : 
DE-A- 3 718 452
US-A- 3 683 559
US-A- 4 815 379
US-A- 1 963 448
US-A- 4 720 325
US-A- 5 183 252
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The present invention relates to a device for obtaining safety stamps as per the preamble of claim 1. An example of such a device is disclosed by DE 37 18 452 A.

    [0002] It is known in the paper industry that certain batches are provided with a safety stamp referred to as a water mark. Traditionally, these water marks have been used as a safety means for the printing of large-volume, high-cost documents and forms, such as the issuing of banknotes. These marks are furthermore applied as an indication of the high quality of the marked paper.

    [0003] Traditionally, the devices for forming these water marks have consisted in auxiliary equipment for paper laminating machines, comprising stamping dies and stereotypes designed to increase the laminator thicknesses in the laminate area to be marked.

    [0004] This means that stamping dies and their assembly and adjustment means are part of the paper-making machine and form an auxiliary means thereof. Applying these means causes the paper pulp to be altered as it passes the laminators, so that the paper thickness is reduced in the stamping area and a relief of the stamping die is obtained. The reduced thickness of the stamping area creates a transparency effect not evident in the rest of the paper, the water mark becoming thus defined.

    [0005] Since these devices require setting-up modifications in the paper-producing machine, stamping is limited to large production volumes as a result of the high costs involved.

    [0006] Subsequently, however, DE A 37 18 452 owned by the holders of this invention, contributed a new procedure for producing safety stamps through a device based on a stamping die supporting cylinder and an abrasive wheel.

    [0007] This stamping device offers an improvement, as compared to traditional stamping devices, in that it allows small productions to be performed at a reasonable cost without affecting the paper manufacturing process in view that stamping is implemented through a device that is independent from the paper rolling machine.

    [0008] However, certain drawbacks are evident, such as the difficulty in managing a proper adjustment of the paper against the stamping cylinder. In fact, the cylinder stamping dies separate the paper from the cylinder side walls and thus facilitate its movement in respect to the cylinder on which it lies.

    [0009] Furthermore, this spacing between the paper and the cylinder allows for the eventual formation of paper plies in the sector adjacent the contact area between the abrasion means and the stamping cylinder. In addition to this, minor maladjustments, unforeseen offsetting or paper tearing may cause the abrasive means to contact and damage the cylinder stamping dies.

    [0010] All the above inconveniences are satisfactorily solved by the device of the present invention. It should first of all be stated that this is not a device designed to form paper reliefs, since separate means are provided for this purpose which are either flat or rotating, e.g. a stamping cylinder which presses the paper against a surface carrying the stamping dies.

    [0011] The present invention proposes a device having the features of claim 1. This supporting cylinder is spaced apart from an abrasive peripheric wheel by a distance that is shorter than the peak heights of the relief. It also comprises an antisliding pressure device, a means of adjusting the paper against the side walls of the cylinder, and a supporting cylinder angular drive means.

    [0012] On rotation of the supporting cylinder, the movement retaining pressure device fixes the position of the paper, said device comprising brushes the filiform bundles of which exert pressure so that an intimate contact is attained between the cylinder side walls and the back side of the paper, thus impairing the paper's displacement.

    [0013] Adjacent the contact zone, between the abrasive wheel and the cylinder, the adjustment means precludes the offsetting of the paper in the critical abrasive zone. In the various forms of embodiment foreseen, both the micro holes communicating with a vacuum chamber and the compressed air ejected from blower peaks secure the paper against the cylinder while the suction mouth removes all nature of impurities from the contact area.

    [0014] Finally, in view that the distance separating the abrasive wheel from the supporting cylinder is shorter than the height of the relief peaks, and as the latter enter the contact zone, the wheel's abrasive periphery abrades the peak tips and produces the water mark, avoiding the inconveniences deriving, as previously stated, from known devices.

    [0015] For further clarity and understanding of the object of the invention, several figures are provided depicting one of the preferred forms of embodiment for illustrative, nonlimiting purposes.

    Figure 1 is a schematic cross-section of the present device. It shows the abrasive periphery of the wheel, in addition to the arrangement of the antisliding pressure brush. Shown nearer the contact zone between the cylinder and the abrasive wheel, the paper adjustment means are seen to comprise a motor compressor connected to blower nozzle complemented by a brush and a suction mouth.

    Figure 2 is another cross-section, in which the adjustment means comprise a double brush fitted with an adjustment mechanism (not shown) controlled by a pneumatic circuit.

    Figure 3 is a further cross-section, in which the adjustment means comprise micro holes which perforate the cylinder's side walls. A pneumatic chamber connected to a vacuum pump can be seen inside the cylinder.

    Figure 4 illustrates another form of embodiment, in which the adjustment means comprise pneumatically adjustable pressure rollers.

    Figure 5 is a cross-section of a prior art device. For the purpose of illustrating this, part of the means used by the present invention (paper antisliding and adjustment means) have been added, said means failing to remove the gap between the paper and the cylinder because of the presence of the stamping dies.

    Figure 6A is a schematic side view illustrating the operational principle of the known device shown in figure 5.

    Figure 6B is a chematic side view illustrating the stamping operation performed by a device based on a cylinder and a stamped surface. It reveals the manner in which the cylinder operates on the back side of the paper.

    Figure 6C is a schematic side view illustrating the operation of the cylinder used in the device of the present invention. It reveals the manner in which the abrasive periphery of the wheel abrades the tips of the relief peaks.

    [0016] In the various figures, the same reference numbers identify equal or corresponding parts; letters are used to designate different element assemblies.

    [0017] List of the main references:

    (a) paper supporting cylinder

    (b) abrasive wheel

    (c) antisliding pressure means

    (d) paper adjustment means

    (1) supporting cylinder (a) body

    (1') supporting cylinder (a) body

    (2) abrasive wheel (b) body

    (2') abrasive wheel (2) periphery

    (2") replaceable sandpaper

    (3) application paper

    (3') paper (3) front side

    (3") paper (3) back side

    (4) paper (3) ends

    (5) paper (3) reliefs or low-reliefs

    (5') relief (6) peaks

    (6) end (4) of paper (3) position attachment means

    (7) antisliding pressure brushes

    (7') brush (7) filiform bundles

    (8) motor compressor

    (8') compressed air line

    (9) blower nozzle

    (9') adjustment brush

    (10) suction pump

    (10') suction line

    (11) suction mouth

    (12) cylinder (a) pneumatic vacuum chamber

    (12') side wall (1') pass-though micro holes

    (13) pneumatic suction lines

    (14) vacuum pump

    (15) supporting cylinder (a) shaft means (connected to angular drive means in cylinder (a))

    (16) first adjuster roller

    (16') second adjuster roller

    (17) relief stamping dies

    (17') low-relief stamping dies

    (18) stamping cylinder

    [0018] The present device for obtaining safety stamps applicable to paper (3) or other laminar elements is designed to produce water marks in reliefs or low-reliefs (5) on application paper (3) by reducing the thickness of said paper (3) through a partial abrading of the relief (5) peaks (5').

    [0019] Generally speaking, this device comprises a supporting cylinder (a) for the paper (3) with reliefs (5) spaced apart from an abrasive periphery (2') wheel (b) by a distance that is shorter than the peak (5') heights of said relief (5); the device including antisliding pressure means (c) and paper (5) adjustment means (d) against the cylinder (a) side walls (1'), in addition to angular drive means (15) fitted on said supporting cylinder (a). See figures 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    [0020] More specifically, the device of the present invention comprises an application paper (3) supporting cylinder (a). The paper (3) is applied on the side walls (1') of cylinder (a) body (1) in a manner that its ends (4) become secured by position attachment means (6) located in the body (1) proper of cylinder (a). See figure 1.

    [0021] Adjacent the supporting cylinder (a) is a wheel (b) fitted with an abrasive periphery (2') connected to rotating drive means. This abrasive wheel (b) is spaced apart from the cylinder (a) by a distance that is shorter than the relief (5) peaks (5') formed on the paper (3). See figures 1 and 6c.

    [0022] In the various forms of embodiment, the abrasive periphery (2') wheel (b) body (2) may be an abrasive stone or a drum the cylindrical periphery (2') of which faces the supporting cylinder (a) side walls (1'). This drum is fitted with replaceable sandpaper (2") covering said periphery (2'). See figure 2.

    [0023] Furthermore, and adjacent the zone between the supporting cylinder (a) and the abrasive wheel (b), are provided paper (3) adjusting means (d). Said adjusting means (d) , comprised within a pneumatic circuit, adjust the paper (3) against the supporting cylinder (a) side wall (1') surface.

    [0024] In a form of embodiment, said adjustment means (d) consist in a pneumatic circuit comprising a motor compressor (8) and a compressed air container. Said container is fitted with a feeding nozzle forming a pressure fluid outlet connected to a compressed air line (8') associated to a blower nozzle (9). The latter (9) is fitted with an ejection mouth facing the paper (3) and directed toward the contact zone between said paper (3) and abrasive wheel (b). See figure 1.

    [0025] Based on this same principle, another form is foreseen wherein the compressed air line (8') is connected to one or two blower nozzles (9), each of which has its mouth arranged adjacent the contact zone between the paper (3) and the abrasive wheel (b), which in turn faces one of the paper (3) edges and flushingly projects air thereon.

    [0026] In another possible embodiment, the paper (3) adjusting means (d) consists of a pneumatic circuit comprising a motor compressor (8) connected through a corresponding line (8') to a blower nozzle (9), the ejection mouth of which faces the paper (3). Adjacent said blower nozzle (9) is a suction mouth (11) connected through a respective line (10') to a suction pump (10) and oriented toward the contact zone between the paper (3) and the abrasive periphery (2') wheel (b). Adjacent blower nozzle (9) and suction mouth (11) a complementary adjustment brush (9') is installed. See figure 1.

    [0027] Also foreseen are variants wherein the paper (3) adjustment means (d) comprise elements such as brushes (9') or cylinders (16, 16') variably adjustable against the supporting cylinder (a) side walls (1'). In order to allow for adjustment variations, a pneumatic forward-reverse adjustment mechanism (not shown) is included. See figures 2 and 4.

    [0028] Another form of embodiment foreseen comprises an adjustment means (d) comprising a pneumatic circuit composed of a pneumatic chamber (12) and a vacuum pump (14). According to this variation, a pneumatic chamber (12) is formed within the supporting cylinder (a) body (1) itself, its suction entry taking the form of a nozzle connected to a pneumatic network, the suction outlet being fitted with a plurality of micro holes (12') which perforate the cylinder (a) side walls (1'), distributed throughout the cylinder's usable peripheric surface. The chamber (12) entry is connected to a vacuum pump (14) via a vacuum line (13). See figure 3.

    [0029] The device further comprises paper (3) antisliding pressure means (c). In a preferred form of embodiment, said antisliding pressure means (c) consist of brushes (7) the filiform bundles (7') of which project against the cylinder (a) side walls (1'). Concerning their location, the antisliding pressure brushes (7) are arranged adjacent the paper (3) adjustment means (d) and preceding the rotation direction of the supporting cylinder (a). Also foreseen is the possibility of arranging a plurality of pressure brushes (7) distributed throughout the periphery of said supporting cylinder (a). See figures 1 to 4.

    [0030] In other possible forms of embodiment, the paper (3) antisliding pressure means (c) may be formed by rollers, the periphery of which roll over the periphery of the supporting cylinder (a).

    [0031] The device is completed with angular drive means (15) for said paper (3) supporting cylinder (a).

    [0032] Operation of the device is as follows:

    [0033] In the closest exponent of the state of the art, the relief (5) stamping dies (17) are arranged along the cylinder (a) side walls (1').

    [0034] Initial preparation of the paper (3) by submitting it to the relief and low-relief (5) stamping cylinders (18) and stamping dies (17') allows for conditioning and arrangement of the paper (3) in the present device. In fact, once the paper (3) has passed between the stamping cylinder (18) and the stamping dies (17'), a relief (5) is formed, including peaks (5') on the paper (3) back side (3"). See figure 6b.

    [0035] Thus, the paper (3) is arranged over the cylinder (a) side walls (1') so that the paper's back side (3") rests against said side walls (1') and the front side (3') is exposed for treatment. The paper (3) ends (4) are attached to the cylinder (a) through position attachment means (6) fitted in the cylinder (a).

    [0036] On rotation of the supporting cylinder (a), the brushes (7) forming the movement retaining pressure means (c) fix the position of the paper (3) as a result of the filiform bundles (7') exerting pressure, so that intimate contact between said cylinder (a) side walls (1') and the back side (3") of the paper (3) is obtained, thus impairing movement of the paper.

    [0037] Adjacent the contact zone, between the abrasive wheel (b) and the cylinder (a), the adjustment means (d) preclude the offsetting of the paper (3) in the critical abrasive zone. Concerning the blower nozzle (9), the ejected compressed air adjusts the paper (3) against the cylinder (a), while the presence of the suction mouth (11) removes all nature of impurities from the contact area. See figure 1.

    [0038] A similar adjustment effect is achieved by an embodiment wherein the adjustment means (d) comprise a pneumatic chamber (12) fitted with micro holes (12') which perforate the cylinder (a) side walls (1'). In this case, the action of the suction pump (14) through said chamber (12) and micro holes (12') maintains the paper applied against the supporting cylinder (a) side walls. See figure 3.

    [0039] In view that the distance between the abrasive wheel (b) and the supporting cylinder (a) is shorter than the height of the relief (5) peaks (5'), once the relief (5) enters the contact zone the abrasive periphery (2') of wheel (b) abrades said peaks (5'), producing the water mark. See figure 6c.


    1. Device for obtaining safety stamps of the type designed to form water marks on the paper's reliefs (5) and low-reliefs by lowering their thickness through partial abrading of said relief (5) or low-relief, comprising a paper supporting cylinder (a), supporting cylinder angle drive means, an abrasive periphery wheel (b) connected to rotating drive means and arranged adjacent the supporting cylinder (a), from which it is separated by a distance that is shorter than the height of the relief peaks (5')
    characterised in that:

    said device is applicable to paper or other laminar elements on which the reliefs (5) have already been stamped

    the paper (3) on which the reliefs (5) have already been stamped is applied to the cylinder side wall through end position attachement means (6) arranged on the cylinder proper so that the paper' s back side (3'') rest against said side walls and the front side (3') is exposed for treatment;

    said device comprises paper adjustment means (d)-over the surface of the supporting cylinder side walls - comprised in a pneumatic circuit and arranged at least adjacent the zone between the supporting cylinder (a) and the abrasive wheel (b);

    said device comprises paper antisliding pressure means (c) projecting against the cylinder side walls.

    2. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that:

    a) The abrasive periphery wheel (b) is connected to uniform circular drive means

    b) It comprises paper antisliding pressure brushes (7), the filiform bundles (7') of which project against the cylinder side walls;

    3. Device for obtaining safety stamps, according to claims 1 and 2, characterised in that the paper adjustment means (d) applied over the surface of the cylinder side walls consist of a pneumatic circuit comprising:

    a pneumatic vacuum chamber (12) formed within the supporting cylinder body (1) itself, its suction entry taking the form of a nozzle connected to a pneumatic network (13), the suction outlet being fitted with a plurality of micro holes (12') which perforate the cylinder side walls and are distributed throughout the cylinder's usable peripheric surface, and

    a vacuum pump (14), the suction mouth of which is connected to said suction inlet corresponding to the supporting cylinder chamber.

    4. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the paper adjustment means (d) applied over the surface of the cylinder side walls consist of a pneumatic circuit comprising:

    a motor compressor (8) which, together with compressed air container means, is fitted with a feeding nozzle forming a pressure fluid outlet; and

    at least one blower nozzle (9) connected to said motor compressor (8) outlet and fitted with an ejection mouth facing the paper, directed toward the proximity of the contact zone between said paper and said abrasive wheel.

    5. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the means (d) for adjusting the paper over the surface of the cylinder side walls consist in a pneumatic circuit comprising:

    a motor compressor (8) which, in addition to compressed air containers, ends in a feeding nozzle forming a pressure fluid outlet; and

    at least one blower nozzle (9) connected to said motor compressor outlet, fitted with a mouth arranged in the proximity of the contact zone between said paper and said abrasive wheel and facing one of said paper edges for flushingly projecting air thereon.

    6. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the means (d) for adjusting the paper over the surface of the cylinder side walls consist in a pneumatic circuit comprising:

    a motor compressor (8) which, in addition to compressed air containers, ends in a feeding nozzle forming a pressure fluid outlet;

    at least one blower nozzle (9) connected to said motor compressor outlet, its ejection mouth facing said paper;

    a suction pump (10) fitted with a connection nozzle forming an inlet for said sucked-in air;

    at least one suction mouth (11) adjacent the blower nozzle (9) which, connected to said suction pump connection nozzle, is oriented toward the proximity of said contact zone between said paper and abrasive periphery wheel; and

    complementary adjustment brushes (9') proximally arranged in respect to said blower nozzle (9) and suction mouth (11).

    7. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the paper adjustment means comprise variable adjustment brushes (9') applied against the cylinder side walls, said means being fitted with a pneumatic adjustment mechanism.
    8. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the paper adjustment means comprise variable adjustment cylinders applied against the cylinder side walls, said means being fitted with a pneumatic adjustment mechanism.
    9. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the paper antisliding pressure means (c) are brushes, the filiform bundles (7') of which project against the cylinder side walls and are located at least adjacent the paper adjustment means (d).
    10. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the paper antisliding pressure means (c) are brushes, the filiform bundles (7') of which project against the cylinder side walls and are distributed facing the overall, supporting cylinder (a) periphery.
    11. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the antisliding pressure means (c) are rollers, the peripheries of which roll over the periphery of the paper supporting cylinder (a).
    12. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the abrasive periphery wheel (b) is an abrasive stone.
    13. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the abrasive surface wheel (b) is a drum, the cylindrical periphery (2') facing the supporting cylinder side walls of which is fitted with replaceable sandpaper (2'') covering said periphery.
    14. Device for obtaining safety stamps according to claim 1, characterised in that the supporting cylinder (a) is rotatingly driven in a sequential manner involving angular fractions delimited by stations which correspond to the paper relief-abrasive surface coincidence zone.


    1. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen in derartiger Gestaltung, dass Wasserzeichen auf den Reliefs (5) des Papiers und Flachreliefs gebildet werden, wobei die Stärke des Papiers durch partiellen Abrieb dieses Reliefs (5) oder Flachreliefs reduziert wird, bestehend aus einem das Papier tragenden Zylinder (a), Antriebsmitteln für den Winkel des Trägerzylinders, einem peripheren Schleifrad (b), das mit drehbaren Antriebsmitteln verbunden ist und benachbart zum Trägerzylinder (a) angebracht ist, von dem es in einer Distanz beabstandet ist, die kleiner ist als die Höhe der Reliefspitzen (5'), dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass:

    diese Vorrichtung für Papier und andere blattförmige Elemente verwendet werden kann, die bereits mit den Reliefs (5) bedruckt sind;

    das mit dem Relief (5) bereits bedruckte Papier (3) mit Hilfe von die Endposition bestimmenden, korrekt am Zylinder angebrachten Befestigungselementen (6) derart an der Seitenwand des Zylinders angebracht wird, dass die Rückseite des Papiers (3'') an diesen Seitenwänden anliegt und die Vorderseite (3') für die Bearbeitung frei liegt;

    diese Vorrichtung Papiereinstellelemente (d) an der Oberfläche der Seitenwände des Trägerzylinders umfasst, die in einem pneumatischen Kreislauf integriert sind und zumindest benachbart zum Bereich zwischen dem Trägerzylinder (a) und dem Schleifrad (b) angebracht sind;

    diese Vorrichtung über gleitsichere Papierandruckelemente (c) verfügt, welche an die Seitenwände des Zylinders gedrückt werden.

    2. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass:

    a) das periphere Schleifrad (b) mit den gleichmäßig umlaufenden Antriebselementen verbunden ist;

    b) sie gleitsichere Papierandruckbürsten (7) umfasst, deren fadenförmige Büschel (7') gegen die Seitenwände des Zylinders gedrückt werden.

    3. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach den Ansprüchen 1 und 2, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die an der Oberfläche der Seitenwände des Zylinders angebrachten Papiereinstellelemente (d) aus einem pneumatischen Kreislauf bestehen, der umfasst:

    eine pneumatische Vakuumkammer (12) innerhalb des tragenden Zylinderkörpers (1) selbst, wobei die Ansaugöffnung in Form einer Düse gestaltet ist, die an ein pneumatisches Netz (13) angeschlossen ist, und der Austritt mit einer Vielzahl winziger Öffnungen (12') versehen ist, welche die Seitenwände des Zylinders durchdringen und über die periphere nutzbare Fläche des Zylinders verteilt sind, und

    eine Vakuumpumpe (14), deren Ansaugöffnung mit besagter, der tragenden Zylinderkammer entsprechenden Ansaugöffnung verbunden ist.

    4. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die an der Oberfläche der Seitenwände des Zylinders angebrachten Papiereinstellelemente (d) aus einem pneumatischen Kreislauf bestehen, der umfasst:

    einen Motorkompressor (8) der zusätzlich zu dem Druckluftbehälterelement mit einer Einspeisedüse versehen ist, die eine Austrittsöffnung für die Druckflüssigkeit bildet; und

    mindestens eine Lüfterdüse (9), die mit besagtem Austritt des Motorkompressors (8) verbunden ist und mit einer dem Papier zugewandten Ausstoßöffnung versehen ist, die sich in der Nähe des Kontaktbereichs zwischen besagtem Papier und besagtem Schleifrad befindet.

    5. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Papiereinstellelemente (d) an der Oberfläche der Seitenwände des Zylinders aus einem pneumatischen Kreislauf bestehen, der umfasst:

    einen Motorkompressor (8), der zusätzlich zu den Druckluftbehältern in einer Einspeisedüse endet, die eine Austrittsöffnung für die Druckflüssigkeit bildet; und

    mindestens eine Lüfterdüse (9), die mit besagtem Austritt des Motorkompressors verbunden ist und mit einer Öffnung versehen ist, die in der Nähe des Kontaktbereichs zwischen besagtem Papier und besagtem Schleifrad und gegenüber einer der besagten Seiten des Papiers befindet, um Luft auf dieses projizieren zu können.

    6. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die an der Oberfläche der Seitenwände des Zylinders angebrachten Papiereinstellelemente (d) aus einem pneumatischen Kreislauf bestehen, der umfasst:

    einen Motorkompressor (8) der zusätzlich zu den Druckluftbehältern in einer Einspeisedüse endet, die eine Austrittsöffnung für die Druckflüssigkeit bildet;

    mindestens eine Lüfterdüse (9), die mit besagtem Austritt des Motorkompressors verbunden ist und deren Ausstoßöffnung dem Papier zugewandt ist,

    eine Ansaugpumpe (10), die mit einer Verbindungsdüse versehen ist und eine Eintrittsöffnung für besagte abgesaugte Luft bildet;

    mindestens eine Ansaugöffnung (11) benachbart zur Lüfterdüse (9), die mit besagter Verbindungsdüse der Ansaugpumpe verbunden ist und in die Nähe besagten Kontaktbereichs zwischen besagtem Papier und besagtem peripheren Schleifrad weist; und

    komplementäre Einpassbürsten (9'), die in der Nähe besagter Lüfterdüse (9) und der Ansaugöffnung (11) angebracht sind.

    7. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Papiereinstellelemente verstellbare Einpassbürsten (9') umfassen, die an den Seitenwänden des Zylinders angebracht sind, wobei diese Elemente mit einem pneumatischen Einstellmechanismus versehen sind.
    8. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Papiereinstellelemente über verstellbare Einstellzylinder verfügen, die an den Seitenwänden des Zylinders angebracht sind, wobei diese Elemente mit einem pneumatischen Einstellmechanismus versehen sind.
    9. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die gleitsicheren Papierandruckelemente (c) Bürsten sind, deren fadenförmige Büschel (7') an die Seitenwände des Zylinders gedrückt werden und sich mindestens benachbart zu den Papiereinstellelementen (d) befinden.
    10. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die gleitsicheren Papierandruckelemente (c) Bürsten sind, deren fadenförmige Büschel (7') auf die Seitenwände des Zylinders zeigen und über den gesamten Umfang des Trägerzylinders (a) verteilt sind.
    11. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen, nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die gleitsicheren Papierandruckelemente (c) Rollen sind, deren periphere Teile über den peripheren Bereich der Seitenwände des Trägerzylinders (a) des Papiers gleiten.
    12. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das periphere Schleifrad (b) ein Schleifstein ist.
    13. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass das Oberflächenschleifrad (b) eine Trommel ist, deren zylindrischer Umfang (2') gegenüber den Seitenwänden des Trägerzylinders mit austauschbarem Schleifpapier (2'') versehen ist, das besagten Umfang bedeckt.
    14. Vorrichtung zur Herstellung von Sicherheitsmerkmalen nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass der Trägerzylinder (a) drehbar in sequenzieller Art angetrieben wird, was zu winkelförmigen Teilstücken führt, die von Stationen begrenzt werden entsprechend dem Bereich, in dem das Papierrelief mit der Schleifoberfläche übereinstimmt.


    1. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité du genre conçu pour former des marques d'eau sur les reliefs du papier (5) et bas-reliefs au moyen de la réduction de sa grosseur par l'abrasion partielle dudit relief (5) ou bas-relief, comprenant un cylindre de support de papier (a), des moyens de conduction de l'angle du cylindre de support, une roue à périphérie abrasive (b) connectée aux moyens de conduction rotatifs et disposés de façon adjacente au cylindre de support (a), duquel ils sont séparés par une distance inférieure à la hauteur des pics du relief (5'),
    caractérisé par ce que :

    ledit dispositif peut être appliqué sur du papier ou sur d'autres éléments de planche sur lesquels les reliefs ont été déjà estampés (5);

    le papier (3) sur lequel les reliefs ont été déjà estampés (5) est appliqué à la paroi latérale du cylindre par le biais de moyens de fixation de position finale (6) correctement disposés sur le cylindre de façon à ce que le revers du papier (3'') soit appuyé sur les dites parois latérales, l'envers (3') étant exposé pour son traitement;

    ledit dispositif comprend des moyens d'ajustage du papier (d) sur la surface des parois latérales du cylindre de support, qui sont compris dans un circuit pneumatique et disposés au moins de façon adjacente à la zone entre le cylindre de support (a) et la roue abrasive (b);

    ledit dispositif comprend des moyens de pression de papier antidérapants (c) qui se projettent contre les parois latérales du cylindre.

    2. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que :

    a) la roue à périphérie abrasive (b) est connectée avec les moyens de conduction circulaire uniforme;

    b) il comprend des broches (7) de pression de papier antidérapantes, dont les faisceaux filiformes (7') se projettent sur les parois latérales du cylindre.

    3. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité, selon les revendications 1 et 2, caractérisé par ce que les moyens d'ajustage du papier (d) appliqués sur la surface des parois latérales du cylindre comptent avec un circuit pneumatique, qui comprend :

    une chambre à vide pneumatique (12) formée à l'intérieur du corps même (1) du cylindre de support, dont l'entrée de succion adopte la forme d'un bec connecté à un réseau pneumatique (13), la sortie de succion étant composée d'une pluralité de petits orifices (12') qui perforent les parois latérales du cylindre et se distribuent à travers la superficie périphérique utile du cylindre, et

    une pompe à vide(14), dont la bouche de succion est connectée à l'entrée de succion correspondante à la chambre du cylindre de support.

    4. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens d'ajustage du papier (d) appliqués sur la surface des parois latérales du cylindre comptent avec un circuit pneumatique, qui comprend :

    un motocompresseur (8) qui, avec le moyen conteneur d'air comprimé, est pourvu d'un bec d'alimentation qui forme une sortie de pression de fluides; et

    au moins un bec de ventilation (9) connecté à la sortie du motocompresseur (8) et pourvu d'une bouche d'éjection située en face du papier et dirigée vers la zone de contact entre ledit papier et ladite roue abrasive.

    5. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens (d) pour ajuster le papier sur la surface des parois latérales de cylindre comptent avec un circuit pneumatique, qui comprend :

    un motocompresseur (8) qui, en plus des conteneurs d'air comprimé, finit en un bec d'alimentation qui forme une sortie de pression de fluides ; et

    au moins un bec de ventilation (9) connecté à ladite sortie du motocompresseur, pourvu d'une bouche disposée à proximité de la zone de contact entre ledit papier et ladite roue abrasive et en face de l'une des faces du papier pour projeter sur celui-ci des décharges d'air.

    6. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens (d) pour ajuster le papier sur la surface des parois latérales du cylindre comptent avec un circuit pneumatique, qui comprend :

    un motocompresseur (8) qui, en plus des conteneurs d'air comprimé, finit en un bec d'alimentation qui forme une sortie de pression de fluides ;

    au moins un bec de ventilation (9) connecté à ladite sortie du compresseur, dont la bouche d'éjection est située en face dudit papier ;

    une pompe de succion (10) munie d'un bec de connexion qui forme une entrée pour l'air aspiré ;

    au moins une bouche de succion (11) adjacente au bec de ventilation (9) qui, connectée audit bec de connexion de la pompe à succion, est orientée vers la proximité de ladite zone de contact entre ledit papier et ladite roue à périphérie abrasive ; et

    brosses d'ajustage complémentaire (9') disposées près dudit bec de ventilation (9) et ladite bouche de succion (11).

    7. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens d'ajustage du papier comprennent des brosses à ajustage variable (9') appliquées contre les parois latérales du cylindre, lesdits moyens étant munis d'un mécanisme d'ajustage pneumatique.
    8. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens d'ajustage du papier comprennent des cylindres à ajustage variable appliqués sur les parois latérales du cylindre, lesdits moyens étant munis d'un mécanisme d'ajustage pneumatique.
    9. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens de pression du papier antidérapants (c) sont des brosses, dont les faisceaux filiformes (7') se projettent sur les parois latérales du cylindre et sont situées au moins de façon adjacente aux moyens d'ajustage du papier (d).
    10. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens de pression de papier antidérapants (c) sont des brosses, dont les faisceaux filiformes (7') se projettent sur les parois latérales du cylindre et se distribuent en face de la périphérie totale du cylindre de support (a).
    11. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que les moyens de pression de papier antidérapants (c) sont des rouleaux, dont les périphéries tournent sur la périphérie du cylindre de support du papier (a).
    12. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que la roue à périphérie abrasive (b) est une pierre abrasive.
    13. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que la roue à périphérie abrasive (b) est un tambour, dont la périphérie cylindrique (2') située en face des parois latérales du cylindre de support est munie de papier de verre remplaçable (2'') recouvrant ladite périphérie.
    14. Dispositif pour obtenir des sceaux de sécurité selon la revendication 1, caractérisé par ce que le cylindre de support (a) se conduit d'une façon rotative et séquentielle qui implique des fractions angulaires délimitées par des stations se correspondant à la zone de coïncidence de la surface abrasive et le relief du papier.
