(57) An embodiment of the invention discloses a screening device (100) for refrigerator
cabinets comprising a winding roller (105) able to rotate on itself about a central
axis (X) thereof, a flexible screen (240) having a free and an opposite end fixed
to the winding roller (105), two transmission belts (120, 125), each of which is wound
about at least a first pulley (130, 155) and a second pulley (135, 160) in such a
way as to develop in a closed pathway which comprises a straight operating portion
(140, 165) which is parallel to an operating portion of the other transmission belt,
a draw bar (200) fixed to the free end of the flexible screen (240) and having ends
thereof fixed to the two transmission belts (120, 125) at respective operating portions
(140, 165), and activating means (245) for simultaneously rotating the pulleys of
both the transmission belts (120, 125).
