Field of the Invention
[0001] The present invention relates to audio processing using warped filters and, particularly,
to multi-purpose audio coding.
Background of the Invention and Prior Art
[0002] In the context of low bitrate audio and speech coding technology, several different
coding techniques have traditionally been employed in order to achieve low bitrate
coding of such signals with best possible subjective quality at a given bitrate. Coders
for general music / sound signals aim at optimizing the subjective quality by shaping
spectral (and temporal) shape of the quantization error according to a masking threshold
curve which is estimated from the input signal by means of a perceptual model ("perceptual
audio coding"). On the other hand, coding of speech at very low bit rates has been
shown to work very efficiently when it is based on a production model of human speech,
i.e. employing Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) to model the resonant effects of the
human vocal tract together with an efficient coding of the residual excitation signal.
[0003] As a consequence of these two different approaches, general audio coders (like MPEG-1
Layer 3, or MPEG-2/4 Advanced Audio Coding, AAC) usually do not perform as well for
speech signals at very low data rates as dedicated LPC-based speech coders due to
the lack of exploitation of a speech source model. Conversely, LPC-based speech coders
usually do not achieve convincing results when applied to general music signals because
of their inability to flexibly shape the spectral envelope of the coding distortion
according to a masking threshold curve. It is the object of the present invention
to provide a concept that combines the advantages of both LPC-based coding and perceptual
audio coding into a single framework and thus describes unified audio coding that
is efficient for both general audio and speech signals.
[0004] The following section describes a set of relevant technologies which have been proposed
for efficient coding of audio and speech signals.
Perceptual audio coding (Fig. 9)
[0005] Traditionally, perceptual audio coders use a filterbank-based approach to efficiently
code audio signals and shape the quantization distortion according to an estimate
of the masking curve.
[0006] Figure 9 shows the basic block diagram of a monophonic perceptual coding system.
An analysis filterbank is used to map the time domain samples into sub sampled spectral
[0007] Dependent on the number of spectral components, the system is also referred to as
a subband coder (small number of subbands, e.g. 32) or a filterbank-based coder (large
number of frequency lines, e.g. 512). A perceptual ("psycho-acoustic") model is used
to estimate the actual time dependent masking threshold. The spectral ("subband" or
"frequency domain") components are quantized and coded in such a way that the quantization
noise is hidden under the actual transmitted signal and is not perceptible after decoding.
This is achieved by varying the granularity of quantization of the spectral values
over time and frequency.
[0008] As an alternative to the entirely filterbank-based-based perceptual coding concept,
coding based on the
post-filtering approach has been proposed much more recently as shown in Fig. 10.
[0009] In [Edl00], a perceptual audio coder has been proposed which separates the aspects
of irrelevance reduction (i.e. noise shaping according to perceptual criteria) and
redundancy reduction (i.e. obtaining a mathematically more compact representation
of information) by using a so-called pre-filter rather than a variable quantization
of the spectral coefficients over frequency. The principle is illustrated in the following
figure. The input signal is analyzed by a perceptual model to compute an estimate
of the masking threshold curve over frequency. The masking threshold is converted
into a set of pre-filter coefficients such that the magnitude of its frequency response
is inversely proportional to the masking threshold. The pre-filter operation applies
this set of coefficients to the input signal which produces an output signal wherein
all frequency components are represented according to their perceptual importance
("perceptual whitening"). This signal is subsequently coded by any kind of audio coder
which produces a "white" quantization distortion, i.e. does not apply any perceptual
noise shaping. Thus, the transmission / storage of the audio signal includes both
the coder's bit-stream and a coded version of the pre-filtering coefficients. In the
decoder, the coder bit-stream is decoded into an intermediate audio signal which is
then subjected to a post-filtering operation according to the transmitted filter coefficients.
Since the post-filter performs the inverse filtering process relative to the pre-filter,
it applies a spectral weighting to its input signal according to the masking curve.
In this way, the spectrally flat ("white") coding noise appears perceptually shaped
at the decoder output, as intended.
[0010] Since in such a scheme perceptual noise shaping is achieved via the pre-/post-filtering
step rather than frequency dependent quantization of spectral coefficients, the concept
can be generalized to include non-filterbank-based coding mechanism for representing
the pre-filtered audio signal rather than a filterbank-based audio coder. In [Sch02]
this is shown for time domain coding kernel using predictive and entropy coding stages.
[Edl00] B. Edler, G. Schuller: "Audio coding using a psychoacoustic pre- and post-filter",
ICASSP 2000, Volume 2, 5-9 June 2000 Page(s):II881 - II884 vol.2
[Sch02] G. Schuller, B. Yu, D. Huang, and B. Edler, "Perceptual Audio Coding using Adaptive
Pre- and Post-Filters and Lossless Compression", IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio
Processing, September 2002, pp. 379-390
[0011] In order to enable appropriate spectral noise shaping by using pre-/post-filtering
techniques, it is important to adapt the frequency resolution of the pre-/post-filter
to that of the human auditory system. Ideally, the frequency resolution would follow
well-known perceptual frequency scales, such as the BARK or ERB frequency scale [Zwi].
This is especially desirable in order to minimize the order of the pre-/post-filter
model and thus the associated computational complexity and side information transmission
[0012] The adaptation of the pre-/post-filter frequency resolution can be achieved by the
frequency warping concept [KHL97]. Essentially, the unit delays within a filter structure are replaced
by (first or higher order) allpass filters which leads to a non-uniform deformation
("warping") of the frequency response of the filter. It has been shown that even by
using a first-order allpass filter (e.g.
a quite accurate approximation of perceptual frequency scales is possible by an appropriate
choice of the allpass coefficients [SA99]. Thus, most known systems do not make use
of higher-order allpass filters for frequency warping. Since a first-order allpass
filter is fully determined by a single scalar parameter (which will be referred to
as the "warping factor" -1<
λ<1), which determines the deformation of the frequency scale. For example, for a warping
factor of
λ=0, no deformation is effective, i.e. the filter operates on the regular frequency
scale. The higher the warping factor is chosen, the more frequency resolution is focused
on the lower frequency part of the spectrum (as it is necessary to approximate a perceptual
frequency scale), and taken away from the higher frequency part of the spectrum).
This is shown in Fig. 5 for both positive and negative warping coefficients:
[0013] Using a warped pre-/post-filter, audio coders typically use a filter order between
8 and 20 at common sampling rates like 48kHz or 44.1kHz [WSKH05].
[0014] Several other applications of warped filtering have been described, e.g. modeling
of room impulse responses [HKS00] and parametric modeling of a noise component in
the audio signal (under the equivalent name Laguerre / Kauz filtering) [SOB03]
[Zwi] Zwicker, E. and H. Fastl, "Psychoacoustics, Facts and Models", Springer Verlag, Berlin
[KHL97] M. Karjalainen, A. Härmä, U.K. Laine, "Realizable warped IIR filters and their properties",
IEEE I-CASSP 1997, pp. 2205 - 2208, vol.3
[SA99] J.O. Smith, J.S. Abel, "BARK and ERB Bilinear Transforms", IEEE Transactions on Speech
and Audio Processing, Volume 7, Issue 6, Nov. 1999, pp. 697 - 708
[HKS00] Härmä, Aki; Karjalainen, Matti; Savioja, Lauri; Välimäki, Vesa; Laine, Unto K.; Huopaniemi,
Jyri, "Frequency-Warped Signal Processing for Audio Applications", Journal of the
AES, Volume 48 Number 11 pp. 1011-1031; November 2000
[SOB03] E. Schuijers, W. Oomen, B. den Brinker, J. Bree-baart, "Advances in Parametric Coding
for High-Quality Audio", 114th Convention, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2003, preprint
[WSKH05] S. Wabnik, G. Schuller, U. Krämer, J. Hirschfeld, "Frequency Warping in Low Delay
Audio Coding", IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,
March 18-23, 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA
LPC-Based Speech Coding
[0015] Traditionally, efficient speech coding has been based on Linear Predictive Coding
(LPC) to model the resonant effects of the human vocal tract together with an efficient
coding of the residual excitation signal [VM06]. Both LPC and excitation parameters
are transmitted from the encoder to the decoder. This principle is illustrated in
the following figure (encoder and decoder).
[0016] Over time, many methods have been proposed with respect to an efficient and perceptually
convincing representation of the residual (excitation) signal, such as Multi-Pulse
Excitation (MPE), Regular Pulse Excitation (RPE), and Code-Excited Linear Prediction
[0017] Linear Predictive Coding attempts to produce an estimate of the current sample value
of a sequence based on the observation of a certain number of past values as a linear
combination of the past observations. In order to reduce redundancy in the input signal,
the encoder LPC filter "whitens" the input signal in its spectral envelope, i.e. its
frequency response is a model of the inverse of the signal's spectral envelope. Conversely,
the frequency response of the decoder LPC filter is a model of the signal's spectral
envelope. Specifically, the well-known auto-regressive (AR) linear predictive analysis
is known to model the signal's spectral envelope by means of an all-pole approximation.
[0018] Typically, narrow band speech coders (i.e. speech coders with a sampling rate of
8kHz) employ an LPC filter with an order between 8 and 12. Due to the nature of the
LPC filter, a uniform frequency resolution is effective across the full frequency
range. This does not correspond to a perceptual frequency scale.
Warped LPC Coding
[0019] Noticing that a non-uniform frequency sensitivity, as it is offered by warping techniques,
may offer advantages also for speech coding, there have been proposals to substitute
the regular LPC analysis by warped predictive analysis. Specifically, [TML94] proposes
a speech coder that models the speech spectral envelope by cepstral coefficients c(m)
which are updated sample by sample according to the time-varying input signal. The
frequency scale of the model is adapted to approximate the perceptual MEL scale [Zwi]
by using a first order all-pass filter instead of the usual unit delay. A fixed value
of 0.31 for the warping coefficient is used at the coder sampling rate of 8kHz. The
approach has been developed further to include a CELP coding core for representing
the excitation signal in [KTK95], again using a fixed value of 0.31 for the warping
coefficient at the coder sampling rate of 8kHz.
[0020] Even though the authors claim good performance of the proposed scheme, state-of-the-art
speech coding did not adopt the warped predictive coding techniques.
[0021] Other combinations of warped LPC and CELP coding are known, e.g. [HLM99] for which
a warping factor of 0.723 is used at a sampling rate of 44.1kHz.
[TMK94] K. Tokuda, H. Matsumura, T. Kobayashi and S. Imai, "Speech coding based on adaptive
mel-cepstral analysis," Proc. IEEE ICASSP'94, pp.197-200, Apr. 1994.
[KTK95] K. Koishida, K. Tokuda, T. Kobayashi and S. Imai, "CELP coding based on mel-cepstral
analysis," Proc. IEEE ICASSP'95, pp.33-36, 1995.
[HLM99] Aki Härmä, Unto K. Laine, Matti Karjalainen, "Warped low-delay CELP for wideband audio
coding", 17th International AES Conference, Florence, Italy, 1999
[VM06] Peter Vary, Rainer Martin, "Digital Speech Transmission: Enhancement, Coding and Error
Concealment", published by John Wiley & Sons, LTD, 2006, ISBN 0-471-56018-9
Generalized Warped LPC Coding
[0022] The idea of performing speech coding on a warped frequency scale was developed further
over the following years. Specifically, it was noticed that a full conventional warping
of the spectral analysis according to a perceptual frequency scale may not be appropriate
to achieve best possible quality for coding speech signals. Therefore, a
Mel-generalized cepstral analysis was proposed in [KTK96] which allows to fade the characteristics of the spectral
model between that of the previously proposed mel-cepstral analysis (with a fully
warped frequency scale and a cepstral analysis), and the characteristics of a traditional
LPC model (with a uniform frequency scale and an all-pole model of the signal's spectral
envelope). Specifically, the proposed generalized analysis has two parameters that
control these characteristics:
- The parameter γ, -1≤γ≤0 continuously fades between a cepstral-type and an LPC-type of analysis, where γ=0 corresponds to a cepstral-type analysis and γ=-1 corresponds to an LPC-type analysis.
- The parameter α, |α|<1 is the warping factor. A value of α=0 corresponds to a fully
uniform frequency scale (like in standard LPC), and a value of α=0.31 corresponds
to a full perceptual frequency warping.
[0023] The same concept was applied to coding of wideband speech (at a sampling rate of
16kHz) in [KHT98]. It should be noted that the operating point (γ; α) for such a generalized
analysis is chosen a priori and not varied over time.
[KTK96] K. Koishida, K. Tokuda, T. Kobayashi and S. Imai, "CELP coding system based on mel-generalized
cepstral analysis," Proc. ICSLP'96, pp. 318-321, 1996.
[KHT98] K. Koishida, G. Hirabayashi, K. Tokuda, and T. Kobayashi, "A wideband CELP speech
coder at 16 kbit/s based on mel-generalized cepstral analysis," Proc. IEEE ICASSP'98,
pp. 161 - 164, 1998.
[0025] The disadvantage of all those prior art techniques is that they all are dedicated
to a specific audio coding algorithm. Any speech coder using warping filters is optimally
adapted for speech signals, but commits compromises when it comes to encoding of general
audio signals such as music signals.
[0026] On the other hand, general audio coders are optimized to perfectly hide the quantization
noise below the masking threshold, i.e., are optimally adapted to perform an irrelevance
reduction. To this end, they have a functionality for accounting for the non-uniform
frequency resolution of the human hearing mechanism. However, due to the fact that
they are general audio encoders, they cannot specifically make use of any a-priori
knowledge on a specific kind of signal patterns which are the reason for obtaining
the very low bitrates known from e.g. speech coders.
[0027] Furthermore, many speech coders are time-domain encoders using fixed and variable
codebooks, while most general audio coders are, due to the masking threshold issue,
which is a frequency measure, filterbank-based encoders so that it is highly problematic
to introduce both coders into a single encoding/decoding frame in an efficient manner,
although there also exist time-domain based general audio encoders.
[0028] The publication "
Combined speech and audio coding by discrimination", L. Tancerel, et al., Speech Coding,
2000, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop of September 17-20, 2000, Piscataway, NJ, USA,
pages 154-156, discloses an encoder architecture having an input coupled to a switch. The switch
output is coupled to an input of a CELP encoder and another output of the switch is
coupled to an input of a transform coder. The switch is controlled by a speech/music
discrimination (SMD) device. Furthermore, a mode bit is multiplexed into an output
bit stream also having an output of the CELP encoder and an output of the transform
[0029] The publication "
Speech Enhancement Using Warped Discrete Cosine Transform", J.-H. Chang, et al, Speech
Coding 2002, IEEE Workshop Proceedings, October 6-9, 2002, Piscataway, NJ, USA, pages
175-177, discloses an approach to enhance a degraded speech under background noise environments
based on a warped discrete cosine transform (WDCT). A row of an M x M DCT matrix is
interpreted as a bandpass filter having a certain center frequency with the sampling
frequency normalized to 1. To warp the frequency axis, an all-pass transformation
by replacing z
-1 with an all-pass filter A(z) is performed so that the resulting bandpass has an infinite
impulse response (IIR) filter characteristic. Based on the spectral characteristics
of the audio signal, a warping control parameter determination is performed based
on the warping control parameter and the degraded speech is enhanced.
Summary of the invention
[0030] It is the object of the present invention to provide an improved general purpose
coding concept providing high quality and low bitrate not only for specific signal
patterns but even for general audio signals.
[0031] This object is achieved by an audio encoder of claim 1, an audio decoder of claim
11, an encoded audio signal of claim 14, a method of encoding an audio signal of claim
15, a method of decoding an encoded audio signal of claim 16, or a computer program
of claim 17.
[0032] The present invention is based on the finding that a pre-filter having a variable
warping characteristic on the audio encoder side is the key feature for integrating
different coding algorithms to a single encoder frame. These two different coding
algorithms are different from each other. The first coding algorithm is adapted to
a specific signal pattern such as speech signals, but also any other specifically
harmonic patterns, pitched patterns or transient patterns are an option, while the
second coding algorithm is suitable for encoding a general audio signal. The pre-filter
on the encoder-side or the post-filter on the decoder-side make it possible to integrate
the signal specific coding module and the general coding module within a single encoder/decoder
[0033] Generally, the input for the general audio encoder module or the signal specific
encoder module can be warped to a higher or lower or no degree. This depends on the
specific signal and the implementation of the encoder modules. Thus, the interrelation
of which warp filter characteristic belongs to which coding module can be signaled.
In several cases the result might be that the stronger warping characteristic belongs
to the general audio coder and the lighter or no warping characteristic belongs to
the signal specific module. This situation can - in some embodiments - fixedly set
or can be the result of dynamically signaling the encoder module for a certain signal
[0034] While the coding algorithm adapted for specific signal patterns normally does not
heavily rely on using the masking threshold for irrelevance reduction, this coding
algorithm does not necessarily need any warping pre-processing or only a "soft" warping
pre-processing. This means that the first coding algorithm adapted for a specific
signal pattern advantageously uses a-priori knowledge on the specific signal pattern
but does not rely that much on the masking threshold and, therefore, does not need
to approach the non-uniform frequency resolution of the human listening mechanism.
The non-uniform frequency resolution of the human listening mechanism is reflected
by scale factor bands having different bandwidths along the frequency scale. This
non-uniform frequency scale is also known as the BARK or ERB scale.
[0035] Processing and noise shaping using a non-uniform frequency resolution is only necessary,
when the coding algorithm heavily relies on irrelevance reduction by utilizing the
concept of a masking threshold, but is not required for a specific coding algorithm
which is adapted to a specific signal pattern and uses a-priori knowledge to highly
efficiently process such a specific signal pattern. In fact, any non-uniform frequency
warping processing might be harmful for the efficiency of such a specific signal pattern
adapted coding algorithm, since such warping will influence the specific signal pattern
which, due to the fact that the first coding algorithm is heavily optimized for a
specific signal pattern, may strongly degrade coding efficiency of the first coding
[0036] Contrary thereto, the second coding algorithm can only produce an acceptable output
bitrate together with an acceptable audio quality, when any measure is taken which
accounts for the non-uniform frequency resolution of the human listening mechanism
so that optimum benefit can be drawn from the masking threshold.
[0037] Since the audio signal may include specific signal patterns followed by general audio,
i.e., a signal not having this specific signal pattern or only having this specific
signal pattern to a small extent, the inventive pre-filter only warps to a strong
degree, when there is a signal portion not having the specific signal pattern, while
for a signal not having the specific signal pattern, no warping at all or only a small
warping characteristic is applied.
[0038] Particularly for the case, where the first coding algorithm is any coding algorithm
relying on linear predictive coding, and where the second coding algorithm is a general
audio coder based on a per-filter/post-filter architecture, the pre-filter can perform
different tasks using the same filter. When the audio signal has the specific signal
pattern, the pre-filter works as an LPC analysis filter so that the first encoding
algorithm is only related to the encoding of the residual signal or the LPC excitation
[0039] When there is a signal portion which does not have the specific signal pattern, the
pre-filter is controlled to have a strong warping characteristic and, preferably,
to perform LPC filtering based on the psycho-acoustic masking thresh-old so that the
pre-filtered output signal is filtered by the frequency-warped filter and is such
that psychoacoustically more important spectral portions are amplified with respect
to psychoacoustically less important spectral portions. Then, a straight-forward quantizer
can be used, or, generally stated, quantization during encoding can take place without
having to distribute the coding noise non-uniformly over the frequency range in the
output of the warped filter. The noise shaping of the quantization noise will automatically
take place by the post-filtering action obtained by the time-varying warped filter
on the decoder-side, which is - with respect to the warping characteristic - identical
to the encoder-side pre-filter and, due to the fact that this filter is inverse to
the pre-filter on the decoder side, automatically produces the noise shaping to obtain
a maximum irrelevance reduction while maintaining a high audio quality.
Brief Description of the Drawings
[0040] Preferred embodiments of the present invention are subsequently explained with reference
to the accompanying Figures, in which:
- Fig. 1
- is a block diagram of a preferred audio encoder;
- Fig. 2
- is a block diagram of a preferred audio decoder;
- Fig. 3a
- is a schematic representation of the encoded audio signal;
- Fig. 3b
- is a schematic representation of the side information for the first and/or the second
time portion of Fig. 3a;
- Fig. 4
- is a representation of a prior art FIR pre-filter or post-filter, which is suitable
for use in the present invention;
- Fig. 5
- illustrates the warping characteristic of a filter dependent on the warping factor;
- Fig. 6
- illustrates an inventive audio processor having a linear filter having a time-varying
warping characteristic and a controller;
- Fig. 7
- illustrates a preferred embodiment of the inventive audio encoder;
- Fig. 8
- illustrates a preferred embodiment for an inventive audio decoder;
- Fig. 9
- illustrates a prior art filterbank-based coding algorithm having an encoder and a
- Fig. 10
- illustrates a prior art pre/post-filter based audio encoding algorithm having an encoder
and a decoder; and
- Fig. 11
- illustrates a prior art LPC coding algorithm having an encoder and a decoder.
Detailed Description of Preferred Embodiments
[0041] Preferred embodiments of the present invention provide a uniform method that allows
coding of both general audio signals and speech signals with a coding performance
that - at least - matches the performance of the best known coding schemes for both
types of signals. It is based on the following considerations:
- For coding of general audio signals, it is essential to shape the coding noise spectral
envelope according to a masking threshold curve (according to the idea of "perceptual
audio coding"), and thus a perceptually warped frequency scale is desirable. Nonetheless,
there may be certain (e.g. harmonic) audio signals where a uniform frequency resolution
would perform better that a perceptually warped one because the former can better
resolve their individual spectral fine structure.
- For the coding of speech signals, the state of the art coding performance can be achieved
by means of regular (non-warped) linear prediction. There may be certain speech signals
for which some amount of warping improves the coding performance.
[0042] In accordance with the inventive idea, this dilemma is solved by a coding system
that includes an encoder filter that can smoothly fade in its characteristics between
a fully warped operation, as it is generally preferable for coding of music signals,
and a non-warped operation, as it is generally preferable for coding of speech signals.
Specifically, the proposed inventive approach includes a
linear filter with a
time-varying warping factor. This filter is controlled by an extra input that receives the desired warping factor
and modifies the filter operation accordingly.
[0043] An operation of such a filter permits the filter to act both as a model of the masking
curve (post-filter for coding of music, with warping on,
λ =
λ0), and as a model of the signal's spectral envelope (Inverse LPC filter for coding
of speech, with warping off,
λ=0), depending on the control input. If the inventive filter is equipped to handle
also a continuum of intermediate warping factors 0≤
λ0 then furthermore also soft in-between characteristics are possible.
[0044] Naturally, the inverse decoder filtering mechanism is similarly equipped, i.e. a
linear decoder filter with a time-varying warping factor and can act as a perceptual
pre-filter as well as an LPC filter.
[0045] In order to generate a well-behaved filtered signal to be coded subsequently, it
is desirable to not switch instantaneously between two different values of the warping
factor, but to apply a soft transition of the warping factor over time. As an example,
a transition of 128 samples between unwarped and fully perceptually warped operation
avoids undesirable discontinuities in the output signal.
[0046] Using such a filter with variable warping, it is possible to build a combined speech
/ audio coder which achieves both optimum speech and audio coding quality in the following
way (see Fig. 7 or 8):
- The decision about the coding mode to be used ("Speech mode" or "Music mode") is performed
in a separate module by carrying out an analysis of the input signal and can be based
on known techniques for discriminating speech signals from music. As a result, the
decision module produces a decision about the coding mode / and an associated optimum
warping factor for the filter. Furthermore, depending on the this decision, it determines
a set of suitable filter coefficients which are appropriate for the input signal at
the chosen coding mode, i.e. for coding of speech, an LPC analysis is performed (with
no warping, or a low warping factor) whereas for coding of music, a masking curve
is estimated and its inverse is converted into warped spectral coefficients.
- The filter with the time varying warping characteristics is used as a common encoder
/ decoder filter and is applied to the signal depending on the coding mode decision
/ warping factor and the set of filter coefficients produced by the decision module.
- The output signal of the filtering stage is coded by either a speech coding kernel
(e.g. CELP coder) or a generic audio coder kernel (e.g. a filterbank/subband coder,
or a predictive audio coder), or both, depending on the coding mode.
- The information to be transmitted / stored comprises the coding mode decision (or
an indication of the warping factor), the filter coefficients in some coded form,
and the information delivered by the speech / excitation and the generic audio coder.
[0047] The corresponding decoder works accordingly: It receives the transmitted information,
decodes the speech and generic audio parts according to the coding mode information,
combines them into a single intermediate signal (e.g. by adding them), and filters
this intermediate signal using the coding mode / warping factor and filter coefficients
to form the final output signal.
[0048] Subsequently, a preferred embodiment of the inventive audio encoder will be discussed
in connection with Fig. 1. The Fig. 1 audio encoder is operative for encoding an audio
signal input at line 10. The audio signal is input into a pre-filter 12 for generating
a pre-filtered audio signal appearing at line 14. The pre-filter has a variable warping
characteristic, the warping characteristic being controllable in response to a time-varying
control signal on line 16. The control signal indicates a small or no warping characteristic
or a comparatively high warping characteristic. Thus, the time-varying warp control
signal can be a signal having two different states such as "1" for a strong warp or
a "0" for no warping. The intended goal for applying warping is to obtain a frequency
resolution of the pre-filter similar to the BARK scale. However, also different states
of the signal / warping characteristic setting are possible.
[0049] Furthermore, the inventive audio encoder includes a controller 18 for providing the
time-varying control signal, wherein the time varying control signal depends on the
audio signal as shown by line 20 in Fig. 1. Furthermore, the inventive audio encoder
includes a controllable encoding processor 22 for processing the pre-filtered audio
signal to obtain an encoded audio signal output at line 24. Particularly, the encoding
processor 22 is adapted to process the pre-filtered audio signal in accordance with
a first coding algorithm adapted to a specific signal pattern, or in accordance with
a second, different encoding algorithm suitable for encoding a general audio signal.
Particularly, the encoding processor 22 is adapted to be controlled by the controller
18 preferably via a separate encoder control signal on line 26 so that an audio signal
portion being filtered using the comparatively high warping factor is processed using
the second encoding algorithm to obtain the encoded signal for this audio signal portion,
so that an audio signal portion being filtered using no or only a small warping characteristic
is processed using the first encoding algorithm.
[0050] Thus, as it is shown in the control table 28 for the signal on control line 26, in
some situations when processing an audio signal, no or only a small warp is performed
by the filter for a signal being filtered in accordance with the first coding algorithm,
while, when a strong and preferably perceptually full-scale warp is applied by the
pre-filter, the time portion is processed using the second coding algorithm for general
audio signals, which is preferably based on hiding quantization noise below a psycho-acoustic
masking threshold. Naturally, the invention also covers the case that for a further
portion of the audio signal, which has the signal-specific pattern, a high warping
characteristic is applied while for an even further portion not having the specific
signal pattern, a low or no warping characteristic is used. This can be for example
determined by an analysis by synthesis encoder decision or by any other algorithms
know in the art. However, the encoder module control can also be fixedly set depending
on the transmitted warping factor or the warping factor can be derived from a transmitted
coder module indication. Furthermore, both information items can be transmitted as
side information, i.e., the coder module and the warping factor.
[0051] Fig. 2 illustrates an inventive decoder for decoding an encoded audio signal input
at line 30. The encoded audio signal has a first portion encoded in accordance with
a first coding algorithm adapted to a specific signal pattern, and has a second portion
encoded in accordance with a different second coding algorithm suitable for encoding
a general audio signal. Particularly, the inventive decoder comprises a detector 32
for detecting a coding algorithm underlying the first or the second portion. This
detection can take place by extracting side information from the encoded audio signal
as illustrated by broken line 34, and/or can take place by examining the bit-stream
coming into a decoding processor 36 as illustrated by broken line 38. The decoding
processor 36 is for decoding in response to the detector as illustrated by control
line 40 so that for both the first and second portions the correct coding algorithm
is selected.
[0052] Preferably, the decoding processor is operative to use the first coding algorithm
for decoding the first time portion and to use the second coding algorithm for decoding
the second time portion so that the first and the second decoded time portions are
output on line 42. Line 42 carries the input into a post-filter 44 having a variable
warping characteristic. Particularly, the post-filter 44 is controllable using a time-varying
warp control signal on line 46 so that this post-filter has only small or no warping
characteristic in a first state and has a high warping characteristic in a second
[0053] Preferably, the post-filter 44 is controlled such that the first time portion decoded
using the first coding algorithm is filtered using the small or no warping characteristic
and the second time portion of the decoded audio signal is filtered using the comparatively
strong warping characteristic so that an audio decoder output signal is obtained at
line 48.
[0054] When looking at Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, the first coding algorithm determines the encoder-related
steps to be taken in the encoding processor 22 and the corresponding decoder-related
steps to be implemented in decoding processor 36. Furthermore, the second coding algorithm
determines the encoder-related second coding algorithm steps to be used in the encoding
processor and corresponding second coding algorithm-related decoding steps to be used
in decoding processor 36.
[0055] Furthermore, the pre-filter 12 and the post-filter 44 are, in general, inverse to
each other. The warping characteristics of those filters are controlled such that
the post-filter has the same warping characteristic as the pre-filter or at least
a similar warping characteristic within a 10 percent tolerance range.
[0056] Naturally, when the pre-filter is not warped due to the fact that there is e.g. a
signal having the specific signal pattern, then the post-filter also does not have
to be a warped filter.
[0057] Nevertheless, the pre-filter 12 as well as the post-filter 44 can implement any other
pre-filter or post-filter operations required in connection with the first coding
algorithm or the second coding algorithm as will be outlined later on.
[0058] Fig. 3a illustrates an example of an encoded audio signal as obtained on line 24
of Fig. 1 and as can be found on line 30 of Fig. 2. Particularly, the encoded audio
signal includes a first time portion in encoded form, which has been generated by
the first coding algorithm as outlined at 50 and corresponding side information 52
for the first portion. Furthermore, the bit-stream includes a second time portion
in encoded form as shown at 54 and side information 56 for the second time portion.
It is to be noted here that the order of the items in Fig. 3a may vary. Furthermore,
the side information does not necessarily have to be multiplexed between the main
information 50 and 54. Those signals can even come from separate sources as dictated
by external requirements or implementations.
[0059] Fig. 3b illustrates side information for the explicit signaling embodiment of the
present invention for explicitly signaling the warping factor and encoder mode, which
can be used in 52 and 56 of Fig. 3a. This is indicated below the Fig. 3b side information
stream. Hence, the side information may include a coding mode indication explicitly
signaling the first or the second coding algorithm underlying this portion to which
the side information belongs to.
[0060] Furthermore, a warping factor can be signaled. Signaling of the warping factor is
not necessary, when the whole system can only use two different warping characteristics,
i.e., no warping characteristic as the first possibility and a perceptually full-scale
warping characteristic as the second possibility. In this case, a warping factor can
be fixed and does not necessarily have to be transmitted.
[0061] Nevertheless, in preferred embodiments, the warping factor can have more than these
two extreme values so that an explicit signaling of the warping factor such as by
absolute values or differentially coded values is used.
[0062] Furthermore, it is preferred that the pre-filter not only is warped but also implements
tasks dictated by the first coding algorithm and the second coding algorithm, which
leads to a more efficient functionality of the first and the second coding algorithms.
[0063] When the first coding algorithm is an LPC-based coding algorithm, then the pre-filter
also performs the functionality of the LPC analysis filter and the post-filter on
the decoder-side performs the functionality of an LPC synthesis filter.
[0064] When the second coding algorithm is a general audio encoder not having a specific
noise shaping functionality, the pre-filter is preferably an LPC filter, which pre-filters
the audio signal so that, after pre-filtering, psychoacoustically more important portions
are amplified with respect to psychoacoustically less important portions. On the decoder-side,
the post-filter is implemented as a filter for regenerating a situation similar to
a situation before pre-filtering, i.e. an inverse filter which amplifies less important
portions with respect to more important portions so that the signal after post-filtering
is - apart from coding errors - similar to the original audio signal input into the
[0065] The filter coefficients for the above described pre-filter are preferably also transmitted
via side information from the encoder to the decoder.
[0066] Typically, the pre-filter as well as the post-filter will be implemented as a warped
FIR filter, a structure of which is illustrated in Fig. 4, or as a warped IIR digital
filter. The Fig. 4 filter is described in detail in [KHL 97]. Examples for warped
IIR filters are also shown in [KHL 97]. All those digital filters have in common that
they have warped delay elements 60 and weighting coefficients or weighting elements
indicated by β
0, . β
1, β
2 .,.... A filter structure is transformed to a warped filter, when a delay element
in an unwarped filter structure (not shown here) is replaced by an all-pass filter,
such as a first-order all-pass filter D(z), as illustrated in on both sides of the
filter structures in Fig. 4. A computationally efficient implementation of the left
structure is shown in the right of Fig. 4, where the explicit usage of the warping
factor λ and the implementation thereof is shown.
[0067] Thus, the filter structure to the right of Fig. 4 can easily be implemented within
the pre-filter as well as within the post-filter, wherein the warping factor is controlled
by the parameter λ, while the filter characteristic, i.e., the filter coefficients
of the LPC analysis/synthesis or pre-filtering or post-filtering for amplifying/damping
psycho-acoustically more important portions is controlled by setting the weighting
parameters β
0, β
1, β
2,.... to appropriate values.
[0068] Fig. 5 illustrates the dependence of the frequency-warping characteristic on the
warping factor λ for λs between -0.8 and +0.8. No warping at all will be obtained,
when λ is set to 0.0. A psycho-acoustically full-scale warp is obtained by setting
λ between 0.3 and 0.4. Generally, the optimum warping factor depends on the chosen
sampling rate and has a value of between about 0.3 and 0.4 for sampling rates between
32 and 48 kHz. The then obtained non-uniform frequency resolution by using the warped
filter is similar to the BARK or ERB scale. Substantially stronger warping characteristics
can be implemented, but those are only useful in certain situations, which can happen
when the controller determines that those higher warping factors are useful.
[0069] Thus, the pre-filter on the encoder-side will preferably have positive warping factors
λ to increase the frequency resolution in the low frequency range and to decrease
the frequency resolution in the high frequency range. Hence, the post-filter on the
decoder-side will also have the positive warping factors. Thus, a preferred inventive
time-varying warping filter is shown in Fig. 6 at 70 as a part of the audio processor.
The inventive filter is, preferably, a linear filter, which is implemented as a pre-filter
or a post-filter for filtering to amplify or damp psycho-acoustically more/less important
portions or which is implemented as an LPC analysis/synthesis filter depending on
the control signal of the system. It is to note at this point that the warped filter
is a linear filter and does not change the frequency of a component such as a sine
wave input into the filter. However, when it is assumed that the filter before warping
is a low pass filter, the Fig. 5 diagram has to be interpreted as set out below.
[0070] When the example sine wave has a normalized original frequency of 0.6, then the filter
would apply - for a warping factor equal to 0.0 - the phase and amplitude weighting
defined by the filter impulse response of this unwarped filter.
[0071] When a warping factor of 0.8 is set for this lowpass filter (now the filter becomes
a warped filter), the sine wave having a normalized frequency of 0.6 will be filtered
such that the output is weighted by the phase and amplitude weighting which the unwarped
filter has for a normalized frequency of 0.97 in Fig. 5. Since this filter is a linear
filter, the frequency of the sine wave is not changed.
[0072] Depending on the situation, when the filter 70 is only warped, then a warping factor
or, generally, the warping control 16, or 46, has to be applied. The filter coefficients
i are derived from the masking threshold. These filter coefficients can be pre- or
post-filter coefficients, or LPC analysis/synthesis filter coefficients, or any other
filter coefficients useful in connection with any first or second coding algorithms.
[0073] Thus, an audio processor includes, in addition to the filter having variable warping
characteristics, the controller 18 of Fig. 1 or the controller implemented as the
coding algorithm detector 32 of Fig. 2 or a general audio input signal analyzer looking
for a specific signal pattern in the audio input 10/42 so that a certain warping characteristic
can be set, which fits to the specific signal pattern so that a time-adapted variable
warping of the audio input be it an encoded or a decoded audio input can be obtained.
Preferably, the pre-filter coefficients and the post-filter coefficients are identical.
[0074] The output of the audio processor illustrated in Fig. 6 which consists of the filter
70 and the controller 74 can then be stored for any purposes or can be processed by
encoding processor 22, or by an audio reproduction device when the audio processor
is on the decoder-side, or can be processed by any other signal processing algorithms.
[0075] Subsequently, Figs. 7 and 8 will be discussed, which show preferred embodiments of
the inventive encoder (Fig. 7) and the inventive decoder (Fig. 8). The functionalities
of the devices are similar to the Fig. 1, Fig. 2 devices. Particularly, Fig. 7 illustrates
the embodiment, wherein the first coding algorithm is a speech-coder like coding algorithm,
wherein the specific signal pattern is a speech pattern in the audio input 10. The
second coding algorithm 22b is a generic audio coder such as the straight-forward
filter-bank-based audio coder as illustrated and discussed in connection with Fig.
9, or the pre-filter/post-filter audio coding algorithm as illustrated in Fig. 10.
[0076] The first coding algorithm corresponds to the Fig. 11 speech coding system, which,
in addition to an LPC analysis/synthesis filter 1100 and 1102 also includes a residual/excitation
coder 1104 and a corresponding excitation decoder 1106. In this embodiment, the time-varying
warped filter 12 in Fig. 7 has the same functionality as the LPC filter 1100, and
the LPC analysis implemented in block 1108 in Fig. 11 is implemented in controller
[0077] The residual/excitation coder 1104 corresponds to the residual/excitation coder kernel
22a in Fig. 7. Similarly, the excitation decoder 1106 corresponds to the residual/excitation
decoder 36a in Fig. 8, and the time-varying warped filter 44 has the functionality
of the inverse LPC filter 1102 for a first time portion being coded in accordance
with the first coding algorithm.
[0078] The LPC filter coefficients generated by LPC analysis block 1108 correspond to the
filter coefficients shown at 90 in Fig. 7 for the first time portion and the LPC filter
coefficients input into block 1102 in Fig. 11 correspond to the filter coefficients
on line 92 of Fig. 8. Furthermore, the Fig. 7 encoder includes an encoder output interface
94, which can be implemented as a bit-stream multiplexer, but which can also be implemented
as any other device producing a data stream suitable for transmission and/or storage.
Correspondingly, the Fig. 8 decoder includes an input interface 96, which can be implemented
as a bit-stream demultiplexer for de-multiplexing the specific time portion information
as discussed in connection with Fig. 3a and for also extracting the required side-information
as illustrated in Fig. 3b.
[0079] In the Fig. 7 embodiment, both encoding kernels 22a, 22b, have a common input 96,
and are controlled by the controller 18 via lines 97a and 97b. This control makes
sure that, at a certain time instant, only one of both encoder kernels 22a, 22b outputs
main and side information to the output interface. Alternatively, both encoding kernels
could work fully parallel, and the encoder controller 18 would make sure that only
the output of the encoding kernel is input into the bit-stream, which is indicated
by the coding mode information while the output of the other encoder is discarded.
[0080] Again alternatively, both decoders can operate in parallel and outputs thereof can
be added. In this situation, it is preferred to use a medium warping characteristic
for the encoder-side pre-filter and for the decoder-side post-filter. Furthermore,
this embodiment processes e.g. a speech portion of a signal such as a certain frequency
range or - generally - signal portion by the first coding algorithm and the remainder
of the signal by the second general coding algorithm. Then outputs of both coders
are transmitted from the encoder to the decoder side. The decoder-side combination
makes sure that the signal is rejoined before being post-filtered.
[0081] Any kind of specific controls can be implemented as long as they make sure that the
output encoded audio signal 24 has a sequence of first and second portions as illustrated
in Fig. 3 or a correct combination of signal portions such as a speech portion and
a general audio portion.
[0082] On the decoder-side, the coding mode information is used for decoding the time portion
using the correct decoding algorithm so that a time-staggered pattern of first portions
and second portions obtain at the outputs of decoder kernels 36a, and 36b, which are,
then, multiplexed into a single time domain signal, which is illustrated schematically
using the adder symbol 36c. Then, at the output of element 36c, there is a time-domain
audio signal, which only has to be post-filtered so that the decoded audio signal
is obtained.
[0083] As discussed earlier in the summary after the Brief Description of the Drawings section,
both the encoder in Fig. 7 as well as the decoder in Fig. 8 may include an interpolator
100 or 102 so that a smooth transition via a certain time portion, which at least
includes two samples, but which preferably includes more than 50 samples and even
more than 100 samples, is implementable. This makes sure that coding artifacts are
avoided, which might be caused by rapid changes of the warping factor and the filter
coefficients. Since, however, the post-filter as well as the pre-filter fully operate
in the time domain, there are no problems related to block-based specific implementations.
Thus, one can change, when Fig. 4 is again considered, the values for β
0, β
1, β
2, ...and λ from sample to sample so that a fade over from a, for example, fully warped
state to another state having no warp at all is possible. Although one could transmit
interpolated parameters, which would save the interpolator on the decoder-side, it
is preferred to not transmit the interpolated values but to transmit the values before
interpolation since less side-information bits are required for the latter option.
[0084] Furthermore, as already indicated above, the generic audio coder kernel 22b as illustrated
in Fig. 7 may be identical to the coder 1000 in Fig. 10. In this context, the pre-filter
12 will also perform the functionality of the pre-filter 1002 in Fig. 10. The perceptual
model 1004 in Fig. 10 will then be implemented within controller 18 of Fig. 7. The
filter coefficients generated by the perceptual model 1004 correspond to the filter
coefficients on line 90 in Fig. 7 for a time portion, for which the second coding
algorithm is on.
[0085] Analogously, the decoder 1006 in Fig. 10 is implemented by the generic audio decoder
kernel 36b in Fig. 8, and the post-filter 1008 is implemented by the time-varying
warped filter 44 in Fig. 8. The preferably coded filter coefficients generated by
the perceptual model are received, on the decoder-side, on line 92, so that a line
titled "filter coefficients" entering post-filter 1008 in Fig. 10 corresponds to line
92 in Fig. 8 for the second coding algorithm time portion.
[0086] However, compared to two parallel working encoders in accordance with Figs. 10 and
11, which are both not perfect due to audio quality and bit rate, the inventive encoder
devices and the inventive decoder devices only use a single, but controllable filter
and perform a discrimination on the input audio signal to find out whether the time
portion of the audio signal has the specific pattern or is just a general audio signal.
[0087] Regarding the audio analyzer within controller 18, a variety of different implementations
can be used for determining, whether a portion of an audio signal is a portion having
the specific signal pattern or whether this portion does not have this specific signal
pattern, and, therefore, has to be processed using the general audio encoding algorithm.
Although preferred embodiments have been discussed, wherein the specific signal pattern
is a speech signal, other signal-specific patterns can be determined and can be encoded
using such signal-specific first encoding algorithms such as encoding algorithm for
harmonic signals, for noise signals, for tonal signals, for pulse-train-like signals,
[0088] Straightforward detectors are analysis by synthesis detectors, which, for example,
try different encoding algorithms, together with different warping detectors to find
out the best warping factor together with the best filter coefficients and the best
coding algorithm. Such analysis by synthesis detectors are in some cases quite computationally
expensive. This does not matter in a situation, wherein there is a small number of
encoders and a high number of decoders, since the decoder can be very simple in that
case. This is due to the fact that only the encoder performs this complex computational
task, while the decoder can simply use the transmitted side-information.
[0089] Other signal detectors are based on straightforward pattern analyzing algorithms,
which look for a specific signal pattern within the audio signal and signal a positive
result, when a matching degree exceeds a certain threshold. More information on such
detectors is given in [BLS05].
[0090] An example includes an audio encoder which further comprises an output stage for
outputting information on the masking threshold as side information to the encoded
audio signal. Another example includes an audio encoder, wherein the encoding processor
is, when applying the second coding algorithm, operative to quantize the pre-filtered
audio signal using a quantizer having a quantization characteristic introducing a
quantization noise having a flat spectral distribution. Another example includes an
audio encoder, wherein the encoding processor is, when applying a second coding algorithm,
operative to quantize pre-filtered time domain samples, or sub-band samples, frequency
coefficients, or residual samples derived from the pre-filtered audio signal. Another
example includes an audio encoder, wherein the controller is operative to provide
the time-varying control signal such that a warping operation increases a frequency
resolution in a low frequency range and decreases frequency resolution in a high frequency
range for the comparatively high warping characteristic of the pre-filter, compared
to the small or no warping characteristic of the pre-filter. Another example includes
an audio encoder, wherein the controller includes an audio signal analyzer for analyzing
the audio signal to determine the time-varying control signal. Another example includes
an audio encoder, wherein the controller is operative to generate a time-varying control
signal having, in addition to a first extreme state indicating no or only a small
warping characteristic, and a second extreme state indicating the maximum warp characteristic,
zero, one or more intermediate states indicating a warping characteristic between
the extreme states. Another example includes an audio encoder, which further comprises
an interpolator, wherein the interpolator is operative to control the pre-filter such
that the warping characteristic is faded between two warping states signaled by the
time-varying control signal over a fading time period having at least two time-domain
samples. Another example includes an audio encoder, wherein the fading time period
includes at least 50 time domain samples between a filter characteristic causing no
or small warp and a filter characteristic causing a comparatively high warp resulting
in a warped frequency resolution similar to a BARK or ERB scale. Another example includes
and audio encoder, wherein the interpolator is operative to use a warping factor resulting
in a warping characteristic between two warping characteristics indicated by the time-varying
control signal in the fading time period. Another example includes an audio encoder,
wherein the pre-filter is a digital filter having a warped FIR or warped IIR structure,
the structure including delay elements, a delay element being formed such that the
delay element has a first order or higher order all-pass filter characteristic. Another
example includes an audio encoder, wherein the all-pass filter characteristic is based
on the following filter characteristic:
wherein z
-1 indicates a delay in the time-discrete domain, and wherein λ is a warping factor
indicating a stronger warping characteristic for warping factor magnitudes closer
to "1" and indicating a smaller warping characteristic for magnitudes of the warping
factor closer to "0". Another example includes an audio encoder, wherein the FIR or
IIR structure further comprises weighting elements, each weighting element having
an associated weighting factor, wherein the weighting factors are determined by the
filter coefficients for the pre-filter, the filter coefficients including LPC analysis
or synthesis filter coefficients, or masking-threshold determined analysis or synthesis
filter coefficients. Another example includes an audio encoder, wherein the pre-filter
has a filter order between 6 and 30. Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein
a warping factor derived from the extracted information and used for controlling the
post-filter has a positive sign. Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein
the encoded signal further comprises information on filter coefficients depending
on a masking threshold of an original signal underlying the encoded signal, and wherein
the detector is operative to extract the information on the filter coefficients from
the encoded audio signal, and wherein the post-filter is adapted to be controlled
based on the extracted information on the filter coefficients so that a post-filtered
signal is more similar to an original signal than the signal before post-filtering.
Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein the decoding processor is adapted
to use a speech-coding algorithm as the first coding algorithm. Another example includes
an audio decoder, wherein the decoding processor is adapted to use a residual/excitation
decoding algorithm as the first coding algorithm. Another example includes an audio
decoder, wherein the residual/excitation decoding algorithm include as a portion of
the first coding algorithm, the residual/excitation encoding algorithm including,
a code-excited linear predictive (CELP) coding algorithm, a multi-pulse excitation
(MPE) coding algorithm, or a regular pulse excitation (RPE) coding algorithm. Another
example includes an audio decoder, wherein the decoder processor is adapted to use
filterbank-based or transform-based or time-domain-based decoding algorithms as a
second coding algorithm. Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein the decoder
processor includes a first coding kernel for applying the first coding algorithm to
the encoded audio signal; second coding kernel for applying a second coding algorithm
to the encoded audio signal, wherein both coding kernels have an output, each output
being connected to a combiner, the combiner having an output connected to an input
of the post-filter, wherein the coding kernels are controlled such that only a decoded
time portion output by a selected coding algorithm is forwarded to the combiner and
the post-filter or different parts of the same time portion of the audio signal are
processed by different coding kernels and the combiner being operative to combine
decoded representations of the different parts. Another example includes an audio
decoder, wherein the decoder processor is, when applying the second coding algorithm,
operative to dequantize an audio signal, which has been quantized using a quantizer
having a quantization characteristic introducing a quantization noise having a flat
spectral distribution. Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein the encoding
processor is, when applying the second coding algorithm, operative to dequantize quantized
time-domain samples, quantized subband samples, quantized frequency coefficients or
quantized residual samples. Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein the
detector is operative to provide a time-varying post-filter control signal such that
a warped filter output signal has a decreased frequency resolution in a high frequency
range and an increased frequency resolution in a low frequency range for the comparatively
high warping characteristic of the post-filter, compared to a filter output signal
of a post-filter having a small or no warping characteristic. Another example includes
an audio decoder, which further comprises an interpolator for controlling the post-filter
such that the warping characteristic is faded between two warping states over a fading
time period having at least two time-domain samples. Another example includes an audio
decoder, wherein the post-filter is a digital filter having a warped FIR or warped
IIR structure, the structure including delay elements, a delay element being formed
such that the delay element has a first order or higher order all-pass filter characteristic.
Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein the all-pass filter characteristic
is based on the following filter characteristic:
wherein z
-1 indicates a delay in the time-discrete domain, and wherein λ is a warping factor
indicating a stronger warping characteristic for warping factor magnitudes closer
to "1" and indicating a smaller warping characteristic for magnitudes of the warping
factor closer to "0". Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein the warped
FIR or warped IIR structure further comprises weighting elements, each weighting element
having an associated weighting factor, wherein the weighting factors are determined
by the filter coefficients for the pre-filter, the filter coefficients including LPC
analysis or synthesis filter coefficients, or masking-threshold determined analysis
or synthesis filter coefficients. Another example includes an audio decoder, wherein
the post-filter is controlled such that the first decoded time portion is filtered
using the small or no warping characteristic and the second decoded time portion is
filtered using a comparatively high warping characteristic.
[0091] Moreover, depending on certain implementation requirements of the inventive methods,
the inventive methods can be implemented in hardware or in software. The implementation
can be performed using a digital storage medium, in particular a disk or a CD having
electronically readable control signals stored thereon, which can cooperate with a
programmable computer system such that the inventive methods are performed. Generally,
the present invention is, therefore, a computer program product with a program code
stored on a machine-readable carrier, the program code being configured for performing
at least one of the inventive methods, when the computer program products runs on
a computer. In other words, the inventive methods are, therefore, a computer program
having a program code for performing the inventive methods, when the computer program
runs on a computer.
[0092] The above-described embodiments are merely illustrative for the principles of the
present invention. It is understood that modifications and variations of the arrangements
and the details described herein will be apparent to others skilled in the art. It
is the intent, therefore, to be limited only by the scope of the impending patent
claims and not by the specific details presented by way of description and explanation
of the embodiments herein.
1. Audio encoder for encoding an audio signal, comprising:
a pre-filter (12) for generating a pre-filtered audio signal, the pre-filter having
a variable frequency warping characteristic, the frequency warping characteristic
being controllable in response to a time-varying control signal, the control signal
indicating a small or no frequency warping characteristic or a comparatively high
frequency warping characteristic;
a controller (18) for providing the time-varying control signal, the time-varying
control signal depending on the audio signal; and
a controllable encoding processor (22) for processing the pre-filtered audio signal
to obtain an encoded audio signal, wherein the encoding processor is controlled to
process the pre-filtered audio signal in accordance with a first coding algorithm
(22a) adapted to a speech signal pattern, or in accordance with a second different
encoding algorithm (22b) suitable for encoding a music signal.
2. Audio encoder of claim 1, wherein the encoding processor is adapted to use a residual/excitation
encoding algorithm as a portion of the first coding algorithm, the residual/excitation
encoding algorithm including a code-excited linear predictive (CELP) coding algorithm,
a multi-pulse excitation (MPE) coding algorithm, or a regular pulse excitation (RPE)coding
3. Audio encoder in accordance with claim 1, wherein the encoding processor is adapted
to use a filter bank based, filter-bank based, or time-domain based encoding algorithm
as the second coding algorithm.
4. Audio encoder of claim 1, further comprising a psycho-acoustic module for providing
information on a masking threshold, and
wherein the pre-filter is operative to perform a filter operation based on the masking
threshold so that, in the pre-filtered audio signal, psychoacoustically more important
portions are amplified with respect to psycho-acoustically less important portions.
5. Audio encoder of claim 4, wherein the pre-filter is a linear filter having a controllable
warping factor, the controllable warping factor being determined by the time-varying
control signal, and
wherein filter coefficients are determined by an analysis based on the masking threshold.
6. Audio encoder of claim 1, wherein the first coding algorithm includes a residual or
excitation coding step and the second coding algorithm includes a general audio coding
7. Audio encoder of claim 1, wherein the encoding processor includes:
a first coding kernel for applying the first coding algorithm to the audio signal;
a second coding kernel for applying the second coding algorithm to the audio signal,
wherein both coding kernels have a common input connected to an output of the pre-filter,
wherein both coding kernels have separate outputs,
wherein the audio encoder further comprises an output stage for outputting the encoded
signal, and
wherein the controller is operative to only connect an output of the coding kernel
indicated by the controller to be active for a time portion to the output stage.
8. Audio encoder of claim 1, wherein the encoding processor includes:
a first coding kernel for applying the first coding algorithm to the audio signal;
a second coding kernel for applying the second coding algorithm to the audio signal;
wherein both coding kernels have a common input connected to an output of the pre-filter,
wherein both coding kernels have a separate output, and
wherein the controller is operative to activate the coding kernel selected by a coding
mode indication, and to deactivate the coding kernel not selected by the coding mode
indication or to activate both coding kernels for different parts of the same time
portion of the audio signal.
9. Audio encoder of claim 1, further comprising an output stage for outputting the time-varying
control signal or a signal derived from the time-varying control signal by quantization
or coding as side information to the encoded signal.
10. Audio encoder of claim 1, wherein the encoding processor is adapted to be controlled
by the controller so that an audio signal portion being filtered using the comparatively
high frequency warping characteristic is processed using the second encoding algorithm
to obtain the encoded signal and an audio signal being filtered using the small or
no frequency warping characteristic is processed using the first encoding algorithm.
11. Audio decoder for decoding an encoded audio signal, the encoded audio signal having
a first portion (50) encoded in accordance with a first coding algorithm adapted to
a speech signal pattern, and having a second portion (54) encoded in accordance with
a different second coding algorithm suitable for encoding a music signal, comprising:
a detector (32) for detecting a coding algorithm underlying the first portion or the
second portion;
a decoding processor (36) for decoding, in response to the detector, the first portion
using the first coding algorithm (36a) to obtain a first decoded time portion and
for decoding the second portion using the second coding algorithm (36b) to obtain
a second decoded time portion, wherein the first coding algorithm is adapted to the
speech signal pattern, and the second different coding algorithm is suitable for decoding
the music signal; and
a post-filter having a variable frequency warping characteristic being controllable
between a first state having a small or no frequency warping characteristic and a
second state having a comparatively high frequency warping characteristic.
12. Audio decoder of claim 11, wherein the post-filter is set so that the frequency warping
characteristic during post-filtering is similar to a frequency warping characteristic
used during pre-filtering within a tolerance range of 10 percents with respect to
warping strength.
13. Audio decoder of claim 11, wherein the encoded audio signal includes a coding mode
indicator or warping factor information,
wherein the detector is operative to extract information on the coding mode or a warping
factor from the encoded audio signal, and
wherein the decoding processor or the post filter are operative to be controlled using
the extracted information.
14. Encoded audio signal having a first-time portion (50) encoded in accordance with a
first coding algorithm adapted to a speech signal pattern, and having a second time
portion (54) encoded in accordance with a different second coding algorithm suitable
for encoding a music signal, the encoded audio signal further comprising, as side
information (52, 56), a frequency warping factor indicating a frequency warping strength
underlying the first or the second portion of the encoded audio signal or filter coefficient
information indicating a pre-filter used for encoding the audio signal or indicating
a post-filter to be used when decoding the audio signal.
15. Method of encoding an audio signal, comprising:
generating a pre-filtered audio signal using a pre-filter, the pre-filter having a
variable frequency warping characteristic, the frequency warping characteristic being
controllable in response to a time-varying control signal, the control signal indicating
a small or no frequency warping characteristic or a comparatively high frequency warping
providing the time-varying control signal, the time-varying control signal depending
on the audio signal; and
processing the pre-filtered audio signal to obtain an encoded audio signal, in accordance
with a first coding algorithm adapted to a speech signal pattern, or in accordance
with a second different encoding algorithm suitable for encoding a music signal, wherein
the step of processing is performed so that an audio signal portion being filtered
using a comparatively high frequency warping characteristic is processed using the
second encoding algorithm and an audio signal portion being filtered using a small
or no frequency warping characteristic is processed using the first coding algorithm.
16. Method of decoding an encoded audio signal, the encoded audio signal having a first
portion (50) encoded in accordance with a first coding algorithm adapted to a speech
signal pattern, and having a second portion (54) encoded in accordance with a different
second coding algorithm suitable for encoding a music signal, comprising:
detecting a coding algorithm underlying the first portion or the second portion;
decoding, in response to the step of detecting, the first portion using the first
coding algorithm to obtain a first decoded time portion and decoding the second portion
using the second coding algorithm to obtain a second decoded time portion, wherein
the first coding algorithm is adapted to the speech signal pattern, and the second
different coding algorithm is suitable for decoding the music signal; and
post-filtering using a variable frequency warping characteristic being controllable
between a first state having a small or no frequency warping characteristic and a
second state having a comparatively high frequency warping characteristic.
17. Computer program having a program code for performing all the steps of the method
of claim 15 or 16, when running on a computer.
1. Audiocodierer zum Codieren eines Audiosignals, der folgende Merkmale aufweist:
ein Vorfilter (12) zum Erzeugen eines vorgefilterten Audiosignals, wobei das Vorfilter
eine variable Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik aufweist, wobei die Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
ansprechend auf ein zeitvariables Steuersignal steuerbar ist, wobei das Steuersignal
eine geringe oder keine Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik oder eine vergleichsweise
hohe Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik anzeigt;
eine Steuerung (18) zum Bereitstellen des zeitvariablen Steuersignals, wobei das zeitvariable
Steuersignal von dem Audiosignal abhängt; und
einen steuerbaren Codierprozessor (22) zum Verarbeiten des vorgefilterten Audiosignals,
um ein codiertes Audiosignal zu erhalten, wobei der Codierprozessor gesteuert wird,
um das vorgefilterte Audiosignal gemäß einem ersten Codieralgorithmus (22a) zu verarbeiten,
der an ein Sprachsignalmuster angepasst ist, oder gemäß einem zweiten anderen Codieralgorithmus
(22b), der zum Codieren eines Musiksignals geeignet ist.
2. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, bei dem der Codierprozessor angepasst ist, um einen
Rest/Erregung-Codieralgorithmus als einen Abschnitt des ersten Codieralgorithmus zu
verwenden, wobei der Rest/Erregung-Codieralgorithmus einen Codeerregten linearen prädiktiven
(CELP; CELP = Code-Excited Linear Predictive) Codieralgorithmus, einen Multipuls-Erregung-
(MPE; MPE = Multi-Pulse-Excitation) Codieralgorithmus oder einen Regulär-Puls-Erregung-
(RPE; RPE = Regular Pulse Excitation) Codieralgorithmus umfasst.
3. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, bei dem der Codierprozessor angepasst ist, um einen
Filterbank-basierten, Filterbank-basierten oder Zeitbereich-basierten Codieralgorithmus
als den zweiten Codieralgorithmus zu verwenden.
4. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, der ferner ein psychoakustisches Modul aufweist zum
Bereitstellen von Informationen über einen Maskierschwellenwert, und
wobei das Vorfilter wirksam ist zum Durchführen einer Filteroperation basierend auf
dem Maskierschwellenwert, so dass in dem vorgefilterten Audiosignal psychoakustisch
bedeutendere Abschnitte verstärkt werden bezüglich psychoakustisch weniger bedeutenden
5. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 4, bei dem das Vorfilter ein lineares Filter mit einem
steuerbaren Verzerrungsfaktor ist, wobei der steuerbare Verzerrungsfaktor durch das
zeitvariable Steuersignal bestimmt wird, und
wobei Filterkoeffizienten durch eine Analyse basierend auf dem Maskierschwellen-wert
bestimmt werden.
6. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, bei dem der erste Codieralgorithmus einen Rest- oder
Erregungscodierschritt umfasst und der zweite Codieralgorithmus einen allgemeinen
Audiocodierschritt umfasst.
7. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, bei dem der Codierprozessor folgende Merkmale umfasst:
einen ersten Codierkern zum Anlegen des ersten Codieralgorithmus an das Audiosignal;
einen zweiten Codierkern zum Anlegen des zweiten Codieralgorithmus an das Audiosignal,
wobei beide Codierkerne einen gemeinsamen Eingang aufweisen, der mit einem Ausgang
des Vorfilters verbunden ist, wobei beide Codierkerne getrennte Ausgänge aufweisen,
wobei der Audiocodierer ferner eine Ausgangsstufe zum Ausgeben des codierten Signals
aufweist, und
wobei die Steuerung wirksam ist, um nur einen Ausgang des Codierkerns, der durch die
Steuerung angezeigt ist, damit derselbe für einen Zeitabschnitt aktiv ist, mit der
Ausgangsstufe zu verbinden.
8. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, bei dem der Codierprozessor folgende Merkmale umfasst:
einen ersten Codierkern zum Anlegen des ersten Codieralgorithmus an das Audiosignal;
einen zweiten Codierkern zum Anlegen des zweiten Codieralgorithmus an das Audiosignal;
wobei beide Codierkerne einen gemeinsamen Eingang aufweisen, der mit einem Ausgang
des Vorfilters verbunden ist, wobei beide Codierkerne einen getrennten Ausgang aufweisen,
wobei die Steuerung wirksam ist, um den Codierkern zu aktivieren, der durch eine Codiermodusanzeige
ausgewählt ist, und um den Codierkern zu deaktivieren, der nicht durch die Codiermodusanzeige
ausgewählt ist, oder um beide Codierkerne für unterschiedliche Teile des gleichen
Zeitabschnitts des Audiosignals zu aktivieren.
9. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, der ferner eine Ausgangsstufe aufweist zum Ausgeben
des zeitvariablen Steuersignals oder eines Signals, das von dem zeitvariablen Steuersignal
abgeleitet ist, durch Quantisieren oder Codieren als Nebeninformation zu dem codierten
10. Audiocodierer gemäß Anspruch 1, bei dem der Codierprozessor angepasst ist, um durch
die Steuerung gesteuert zu werden, so dass ein Audiosignalabschnitt, der unter Verwendung
der vergleichsweisen hohen Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik gefiltert wird, unter
Verwendung des zweiten Codieralgorithmus verarbeitet wird, um das codierte Signal
zu erhalten, und ein Audiosignal, das unter Verwendung der geringen oder keinen Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
gefiltert wird, unter Verwendung des ersten Codieralgorithmus verarbeitet wird.
11. Audiodecodierer zum Decodieren eines codierten Audiosignals, wobei das codierte Audiosignal
einen ersten Abschnitt (50) aufweist, der gemäß einem ersten Codieralgorithmus codiert
ist, der an ein Sprachsignalmuster angepasst ist, und einen zweiten Abschnitt (54)
aufweist, der gemäß einem anderen zweiten Codieralgorithmus codiert ist, der zum Codieren
eines Musiksignals geeignet ist, der folgende Merkmale aufweist:
einen Detektor (32) zum Erfassen eines Codieralgorithmus, der dem ersten Abschnitt
oder dem zweiten Abschnitt zugrunde liegt;
einen Decodierprozessor (36) zum Decodieren, ansprechend auf den Detektor, des ersten
Abschnitts unter Verwendung des ersten Codieralgorithmus (36a) um einen ersten decodierten
Zeitabschnitt zu erhalten, und zum Decodieren des zweiten Abschnitts unter Verwendung
des zweiten Codieralgorithmus (36b), um einen zweiten decodierten Zeitabschnitt zu
erhalten, wobei der erste Codieralgorithmus an das Sprachsignalmuster angepasst ist
und der zweite andere Codieralgorithmus zum Decodieren des Musiksignals geeignet ist;
ein Nachfilter mit einer variablen Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik, die zwischen
einem ersten Zustand mit einer geringen oder keiner Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
und einem zweiten Zustand mit einer vergleichsweise hohen Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
steuerbar ist.
12. Audiodecodierer gemäß Anspruch 11, bei dem das Nachfilter eingestellt ist, so dass
die Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik während des Nachfilterns ähnlich ist wie eine
Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik, die während des Vorfilterns verwendet wird, innerhalb
eines Toleranzbereichs von 10 Prozent bezüglich der Verzerrungsstärke.
13. Audiodecodierer gemäß Anspruch 11, bei dem das codierte Audiosignal eine Codiermodusindikator-
oder Verzerrungsfaktorinformation enthält,
wobei der Detektor wirksam ist, um eine Information über den Codiermodus oder einen
Verzerrungsfaktor von dem codierten Audiosignal zu extrahieren, und
wobei der Decodierprozessor oder das Nachfilter wirksam sind, um unter Verwendung
der extrahierten Information gesteuert zu werden.
14. Codiertes Audiosignal mit einem ersten Zeitabschnitt (50), der gemäß einem ersten
Codieralgorithmus codiert ist, der an ein Sprachsignalmuster angepasst ist, und einem
zweiten Zeitabschnitt (54), der gemäß einem anderen zweiten Codieralgorithmus codiert
ist, der zum Codieren eines Musiksignals geeignet ist, wobei das codierte Audiosignal
ferner als Nebeninformation (52, 56) einen Frequenzverzerrungsfaktor aufweist, der
eine Frequenzverzerrungsstärke anzeigt, die dem ersten oder zweiten Abschnitt des
codierten Audiosignals zugrunde liegt, oder eine Filterkoeffizienteninformation, die
ein Vorfilter anzeigt, das zum Codieren des Audiosignals verwendet wird, oder ein
Nachfilter anzeigt, das zu verwenden ist, wenn das Audiosignal decodiert wird.
15. Verfahren zum Codieren eines Audiosignals, das folgende Schritte aufweist:
Erzeugen eines vorgefilterten Audiosignals unter Verwendung eines Vorfilters, wobei
das Vorfilter eine variable Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik aufweist, wobei die
Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik ansprechend auf ein zeitvariables Steuersignal steuerbar
ist, wobei das Steuersignal eine geringe oder keine Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
oder eine vergleichsweise hohe Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik anzeigt;
Bereitstellen des zeitvariablen Steuersignals, wobei das zeitvariable Steuersignal
von dem Audiosignal abhängt; und
Verarbeiten des vorgefilterten Audiosignals, um ein codiertes Audiosignal zu erhalten,
gemäß einem ersten Codieralgorithmus, der an ein Sprachsignalmuster angepasst ist,
oder gemäß einem zweiten anderen Codieralgorithmus, der zum Codieren eines Musiksignals
geeignet ist, wobei der Schritt des Verarbeitens durchgeführt wird, so dass ein Audiosignalabschnitt,
der unter Verwendung einer vergleichsweise hohen Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
gefiltert wird, unter Verwendung des zweiten Codieralgorithmus verarbeitet wird, und
ein Audiosignalabschnitt, der unter Verwendung einer geringen oder keiner Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
gefiltert wird, unter Verwendung des ersten Codieralgorithmus verarbeitet wird.
16. Verfahren zum Decodieren eines codierten Audiosignals, wobei das codierte Audiosignal
einen ersten Abschnitt (50) aufweist, der gemäß einem ersten Codieralgorithmus codiert
ist, der an ein Sprachsignalmuster angepasst ist, und einen zweiten Abschnitt (54)
aufweist, der gemäß einem anderen zweiten Codieralgorithmus codiert ist, der zum Codieren
eines Musiksignals geeignet ist, das folgende Schritte aufweist:
Erfassen eines Codieralgorithmus, der dem ersten Abschnitt oder dem zweiten Abschnitt
zugrunde liegt;
Decodieren, ansprechend auf den Schritt des Erfassens, des ersten Abschnitts unter
Verwendung des ersten Codieralgorithmus, um einen ersten decodierten Zeitabschnitt
zu erhalten, und Decodieren des zweiten Abschnitts unter Verwendung des zweiten Codieralgorithmus,
um einen zweiten decodierten Zeitabschnitt zu erhalten, wobei der erste Codieralgorithmus
an das Sprachsignalmuster angepasst ist und der zweite andere Codieralgorithmus zum
Decodieren des Musiksignals geeignet ist; und
Nachfiltern unter Verwendung einer variablen Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik, die
zwischen einem ersten Zustand mit einer geringen oder keiner Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
und einem zweiten Zustand mit einer vergleichsweisen hohen Frequenzverzerrungscharakteristik
steuerbar ist.
17. Computerprogramm mit einem Programmcode zum Durchführen aller Schritte des Verfahrens
gemäß Anspruch 15 oder 16, wenn derselbe auf einem Computer läuft.
1. Codeur audio pour coder un signal audio, comprenant:
un préfiltre (12) destiné à générer un signal audio préfiltré, le préfiltre présentant
une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence variable, la caractéristique de distorsion
de fréquence pouvant être commandée en réponse à un signal de commande variable dans
le temps, le signal de commande indiquant une faible ou pas de caractéristique de
distorsion de fréquence ou une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence relativement
un contrôleur (18) destiné à fournir le signal de commande variable dans le temps,
le signal de commande variable dans le temps étant fonction du signal audio; et
un processeur de codage pouvant être commandé (22) destiné à traiter le signal audio
pré filtré pour obtenir un signal audio codé, où le processeur de codage est commandé
pour traiter le signal audio préfiltré selon un premier algorithme de codage (22a)
adapté à un modèle de signal vocal, ou selon un deuxième algorithme de codage différent
(22b) convenant pour coder un signal de musique.
2. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le processeur de codage est adapté
pour utiliser un algorithme de codage résiduel/d'excitation comme partie du premier
algorithme de codage, l'algorithme de codage résiduel/d'excitation comportant un algorithme
de codage prédictif linéaire excité par code (CELP), un algorithme de codage d'excitation
à impulsions multiples (MPE) ou un algorithme de codage d'excitation à impulsions
régulières (RPE).
3. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le processeur de codage est adapté
pour utiliser un algorithme de codage à base de banque de filtre, à base de banque
de filtres, ou à base du domaine temporel comme deuxième algorithme de codage.
4. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, comprenant par ailleurs un module psycho-acoustique
destiné à fournir des informations sur un seuil de masquage, et
dans lequel le préfiltre est opérationnel pour effectuer une opération de filtre sur
base du seuil de masquage de sorte que, dans le signal audio préfiltré, les parties
psycho-acoustiquement plus importantes soient amplifiées par rapport aux parties psycho-acoustiquement
moins importantes.
5. Codeur audio selon la revendication 4, dans lequel le préfiltre est un filtre linéaire
présentant un facteur de distorsion contrôlable, le facteur de distorsion contrôlable
étant déterminé par le signal de commande variable dans le temps, et
dans lequel les coefficients de filtre sont déterminés par une analyse basée sur le
seuil de masquage.
6. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le premier algorithme de codage
comporte une étape de codage résiduel ou d'excitation et le deuxième algorithme de
codage comporte une étape de codage audio général.
7. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le processeur de codage comporte:
un premier noyau de codage destiné à appliquer le premier algorithme de codage au
signal audio;
un deuxième noyau de codage destiné à appliquer le deuxième algorithme de codage au
signal audio,
dans lequel les deux noyaux de codage présentent une entrée commune reliée à une sortie
du préfiltre, dans lequel les deux noyaux de codage présentent des sorties séparées,
dans lequel le codeur audio comprend par ailleurs un étage de sortie destiné à sortir
le signal codé, et
dans lequel le contrôleur est opérationnel pour connecter uniquement une sortie du
noyau de codage indiqué par le contrôleur comme étant actif pendant une partie temporelle
à l'étage de sortie.
8. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le processeur de codage comporte:
un premier noyau de codage destiné à appliquer le premier algorithme de codage au
signal audio;
un deuxième noyau de codage destiné à appliquer le deuxième algorithme de codage au
signal audio;
dans lequel les deux noyaux de codage présentent une entrée commune reliée à une sortie
du préfiltre, dans lequel les deux noyaux de codage présentent une sortie séparée,
dans lequel le contrôleur est opérationnel pour activer le noyau de codage sélectionné
par une indication de mode de codage, et pour désactiver le noyau de codage sélectionné
par l'indication de mode de codage ou pour activer les deux noyaux de codage pour
différentes parties de la même partie temporelle du signal audio.
9. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, comprenant par ailleurs un étage de sortie
destiné à sortir le signal de commande variable dans le temps ou un signal dérivé
du signal de commande variable dans le temps par quantification ou codage comme informations
latérales pour le signal codé.
10. Codeur audio selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le processeur de codage est adapté
pour être commandé par le contrôleur de sorte qu'une partie de signal audio filtrée
à l'aide de la caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence relativement grande soit
traitée à l'aide du deuxième algorithme de codage pour obtenir le signal codé et qu'un
signal audio filtré à l'aide de la faible ou d'aucune caractéristique de distorsion
de fréquence soit traité à l'aide du premier algorithme de codage.
11. Décodeur audio pour décoder un signal audio codé, le signal audio codé présentant
une première partie (50) codée selon un premier algorithme de codage adapté à un modèle
de signal vocal, et présentant une deuxième partie (54) codée selon un deuxième algorithme
de codage différent convenant pour coder un signal de musique, comprenant:
un détecteur (32) destiné à détecter un algorithme de codage à la base de la première
partie ou de la deuxième partie;
un processeur de décodage (36) destiné à décoder, en réponse au détecteur, la première
partie à l'aide du premier algorithme de codage (36a) pour obtenir une première partie
temporelle décodée et pour décoder la deuxième partie à l'aide du deuxième algorithme
de codage (36b) pour obtenir une deuxième partie temporelle décodée, où le premier
algorithme de codage est adapté au modèle de signal vocal, et le deuxième algorithme
de codage différent convient pour décoder le signal de musique; et
un post-filtre présentant une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence variable
contrôlable entre un premier état présentant une faible ou aucune caractéristique
de distorsion de fréquence et un deuxième état présentant une caractéristique de distorsion
de fréquence relativement grande.
12. Décodeur audio selon la revendication 11, dans lequel le post-filtre est réglé de
sorte que la caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence pendant la post-filtration
soit similaire à une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence utilisée pendant la
préfiltration dans une plage de tolérance de 10 pour cent par rapport à la force de
13. Décodeur audio selon la revendication 11, dans lequel le signal audio codé comporte
un indicateur de mode de codage ou des informations de facteur de distorsion,
dans lequel le détecteur est opérationnel pour extraire des informations sur le mode
de codage ou un facteur de distorsion du signal audio codé, et
dans lequel le processeur de décodage ou le post-filtre sont opérationnels pour être
commandés à l'aide des informations extraites.
14. Signal audio codé présentant une première partie temporelle (50) codée selon un premier
algorithme de codage adapté à un modèle de signal vocal, et présentant une deuxième
partie temporelle (54) codée selon un deuxième algorithme de codage différent convenant
pour coder un signal de musique, le signal audio codé comprenant par ailleurs, comme
informations latérales (52, 56), un facteur de distorsion de fréquence indiquant une
force de distorsion de fréquence à la base de la première ou de la deuxième partie
du signal audio codé ou des informations de coefficient de filtre indiquant un préfiltre
utilisé pour coder le signal audio ou indiquant un post-filtre à utiliser lors du
décodage du signal audio.
15. Procédé de codage d'un signal audio, comprenant le fait de:
générer un signal audio préfiltré à l'aide d'un préfiltre, le préfiltre présentant
une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence variable, la caractéristique de distorsion
de fréquence étant contrôlable en réponse à un signal de commande variable dans le
temps, le signal de commande indiquant une faible ou aucune caractéristique de distorsion
de fréquence ou une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence relativement grande;
fournir le signal de commande variable dans le temps, le signal de commande variable
dans le temps étant fonction du signal audio; et
traiter le signal audio préfiltré pour obtenir un signal audio codé, selon un premier
algorithme de codage adapté à un modèle de signal vocal, ou selon un deuxième algorithme
de codage différent convenant pour coder un signal de musique, où l'étape de traitement
est réalisée de sorte qu'une partie de signal audio filtrée à l'aide d'une caractéristique
de distorsion de fréquence relativement grande soit traitée à l'aide du deuxième algorithme
de codage et qu'une partie de signal audio filtrée à l'aide d'une faible ou d'aucune
caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence soit traitée à l'aide du premier algorithme
de codage.
16. Procédé de décodage d'un signal audio codé, le signal audio codé présentant une première
partie (50) codée selon un premier algorithme de codage adapté à un modèle de signal
vocal, et présentant une deuxième partie (54) codée selon un deuxième algorithme de
codage différent convenant pour coder un signal de musique, comprenant le fait de:
détecter un algorithme de codage à la base de la première partie ou de la deuxième
décoder, en réponse à l'étape de détection, la première partie à l'aide du premier
algorithme de codage, pour obtenir une première partie temporelle décodée et décoder
la deuxième partie à l'aide du deuxième algorithme de codage pour obtenir une deuxième
partie temporelle décodée, où le premier algorithme de codage est adapté au modèle
de signal vocal, et le deuxième algorithme de codage différent convient pour décoder
le signal de musique; et
post-filtrer à l'aide d'une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence variable contrôlable
entre un premier état présentant une faible ou aucune caractéristique de distorsion
de fréquence et un deuxième état présentant une caractéristique de distorsion de fréquence
relativement grande.
17. Programme d'ordinateur présentant un code de programme pour réaliser toutes les étapes
du procédé selon la revendication 15 ou 16 lorsqu'il est exécuté sur un ordinateur.