(11) EP 2 585 373 B1


(45) Mention of the grant of the patent:
04.11.2015 Bulletin 2015/45

(21) Application number: 11745822.4

(22) Date of filing: 20.06.2011
(51) International Patent Classification (IPC): 
B65B 1/06(2006.01)
B65B 11/30(2006.01)
B65B 1/22(2006.01)
(86) International application number:
(87) International publication number:
WO 2012/014027 (02.02.2012 Gazette 2012/05)





(84) Designated Contracting States:

(30) Priority: 25.06.2010 IT MI20101152

(43) Date of publication of application:
01.05.2013 Bulletin 2013/18

(73) Proprietor: Saipem S.p.A.
20097 San Donato Milanese (Milano) (IT)

(72) Inventors:
  • BASSETTI, Angelo
    I-61032 Fano (PU) (IT)
  • ZAN, Leonardo
    I-61032 Fano (PU) (IT)
  • FRISONE, Ignazio
    I-48018 Faenza (RA) (IT)
    I-61035 Marotta (PU) (IT)

(74) Representative: Croce, Valeria et al
Jacobacci & Partners S.p.A. Via Senato, 8
20121 Milano
20121 Milano (IT)

(56) References cited: : 
EP-A1- 1 733 968
DE-A1- 19 541 975
US-A1- 2006 151 059
    Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).


    [0001] The present patent application relates to a method for the packaging of wet or dry solids, in particular sulfur in the solid state, in the form of sludge or powders suitable for transportation and/or storage.

    [0002] Sludge containing sulfur in the solid state can mainly derive from desulfurization plants, contained in field gases, effected by means of specific processes, including the commercial process LO-CAT wherein said sludge is obtained as by-product, but also from dehydration plants of sulfur-containing sludge, by means of filter presses.

    [0003] At present, this solid sulfur sludge is charged into containers, trays and "big bags", producing a poor structural stability in the "big bag" packaging, powder diffusions and difficult in introducing the product onto the market with a consequent classification as dangerous product.

    [0004] It is known from WO-2009/137799 A1 a method for the packaging of wet or dry solids for transportation and/or storage, comprising:

    * conveying said wet or dry solids in a sack of plastic material, previously positioned and maintained in a vertical position so that during the loading the mouth of said sack is kept open;

    * hermetic sealing of said sack and subsequent vacuum-packing bu means of a suitable device, activated and maintained in operation until a predetermined pressure value has beeen reached;

    * wrapping of the sealed vacuum-packed sack, by means of a wrapping machine having a rotating platform, with a film of plastic material so that it is suitable for transportation and /or storage.

    [0005] It is known from another patent application, US-2006/151059 A1, a method for filling a container with a plurality of particles, substantially similar to WO-2009/137799, where the rotating platform can be modified by incorporating a vibratory shaker.

    [0006] A new method has now been found, which allows the above-mentioned problems to be overcome, mainly thanks to the use of suitable vacuum-packed sacks, wrapped with plastic films.

    [0007] The method, object of the present invention, for the packaging of wet or dry solids, preferably in the form of sludge or powders, for transportation and/or storage, comprises the following steps:

    * conveying, by means of a suitable device, said wet or dry solids in a sack made of plastic material, previously positioned and maintained in a vertical position so that during loading, the loading mouth of said sack is kept open, said sack resting directly or indirectly on a vibrating platform, which vibrates during the loading with oscillating movements with respect to the vertical and/or horizontal axis, so as to obtain a homogeneous compacting of said solids inside the sack;

    * interruption of the loading of the sack, when a pre-determined loading level has been reached;

    * hermetic sealing of said sack and subsequent vacuum-packing of said sack by means of a suitable device, preferably a vacuum pump whose suction mouth can be connected, through a valve, pre-installed on the sack itself, activated and maintained in operation until a pre-determined pressure value has been reached;

    * wrapping of the sealed vacuum-packed sack, by means of a wrapping machine having a rotating platform, with a film of plastic material so that it is suitable for transportation and/or storage.

    [0008] The wet or dry solids packaged with the method claimed can contain or consist of sulfur in the solid state, such as sulfur cakes consisting of sulfur powder and water.

    [0009] The plastic sack used is preferably a multilayer material, more preferably composed externally of polyethylene and internally of nylon, with a thickness, depending on the weight to be carried, of polyethylene preferably ranging from 0.15 to 0.5 mm (more preferably from 0.15 to 0.2 mm) and of nylon, whose function is to maintain the vacuum, ranging from 0.05 to 0.10 mm.

    [0010] The sack made of plastic material can be dark-coloured, preferably black, in order to resist degradation when exposed to solar radiation.

    [0011] The sealing of the sack is preferably either low-temperature thermo-welded and/or glued by means of a suitable commercial adhesive.

    [0012] It can be preferable not to lay the sack directly on the vibrating platform but on a pallet, in turn resting on said vibrating platform.

    [0013] In this case, the wrapping of the vacuum-sealed sack can be advantageously effected by wrapping not only the sealed sack but also the pallet on which said sack is laid, thus increasing its dimensional stability and mechanical resistance and facilitating its handling.

    [0014] The transfer to the rotating platform of the loaded sack resting on the pallet or directly on the vibrating platform, may preferably be carried out before the hermetic sealing of the sack itself.

    [0015] The rotating platform of the wrapping machine is preferably positioned under the vibrating platform, but detached from the latter.

    [0016] A further object of the invention relates to the system for the packaging of wet or dry solids, preferably in the form of sludge or powders, for transportation and/or storage, which comprises:

    * a conveying equipment, preferably a hopper, which can be fixed to the ceiling or bridge of the area where the system is located;

    * a plastic sack, preferably having a substantially cylindrical shape, possibly equipped with a hooking system by suspension, a valve for producing and maintaining the vacuum;

    * a metallic structure for holding the sack, preferably consisting of a column and a horizontal arm to which the hooking system of the sack is fixed;

    * a vacuum-producing device, preferably a vacuum pump, possibly equipped with a piping with a rapid connection to the suction valve on the sack and possibly to blades having characteristics suitable for a marine environment;

    * a vibrating platform, preferably hydraulically liftable, and equipped with a hydraulic control unit;

    * a wrapping machine with a rotating platform;

    * a control system,

    * possibly a pallet resting on the vibrating platform,

    the sack made of plastic material being laid on the vibrating platform or on the pallet.

    [0017] The wrapping machine preferably has the rotating axis centred on the pallet, when present.

    [0018] The packagings obtained with the method and system described above can be transported towards an adjacent storage area where they can be inserted, by means of onboard cranes, into "baskets" normally used by the supporting means for the restocking of platforms and/or off-shore structures.

    [0019] The "baskets" are metal cages, inside which the goods destined for off-shore structures are positioned.

    [0020] They have a large diffusion for their safety and for facilitating their hooking/unhooking from the cranes.

    [0021] By adopting this method and system, the following significant advantages can be obtained:
    • possibility of transporting the product by means of any vector, assimilating it to non-dangerous goods:
    • absence of gaseous and powder emissions;
    • possibility of storing the sacks outdoors and to bad weather;
    • management of the product through a secure technology;
    • facilitated transfer operations of the product.

    [0022] An embodiment of the present invention is now provided with the help of figure 1, said embodiment should not be considered as limiting the invention itself.

    [0023] The sulfur sludge, leaving the vacuum filter at the tail of the LO-CAT process, is sent into a loading hopper (1) which conveys it into a plastic sack (4). The sack, manually positioned by the operator, is kept in a vertical position by a metallic supporting structure (2) specifically designed for this purpose, so that the loading mouth is kept open.

    [0024] The height of the supporting structure is such that the base of the sack rests on a pallet (5) in turn resting on a vibrating platform which can be raised (6) so that the weight of the material is transferred to the pallet.

    [0025] The operation in turn takes place above, but not in contact with, the rotating platform of a wrapping machine (7), which operates in the last phase of the packaging.

    [0026] During the loading operation of the material, the platform is made to vibrate with oscillating movements with respect to the vertical and/or horizontal axis so as to obtained a homogeneous compacting of the material inside the sack.

    [0027] The vibrating platform is kept detached from the rotating platform of the wrapping machine by a hydraulic lifting system to prevent the transmission of the vibrations to the same.

    [0028] At the end of the loading operations, when a pre-defined level is reached, in this specific case 2.5 tons, the operator interrupts the vibration of the platform and commands its positioning on the underlying rotating platform.

    [0029] The structures are suitably dimensioned according to production requirements and loading/unloading of the product.

    [0030] At this point the sack is hermetically sealed and then connected to the suction mouth of a vacuum pump (3) through a pre-installed valve on the sack itself.

    [0031] The vacuum pump is activated and maintained in function until the pre-defined pressure value has been reached.

    [0032] After disconnecting the pump, the seal of the valve can be guaranteed by means of a safety screw cap.

    [0033] At this point, the wrapping machine is activated, which wraps a polyester film around the sack and the pallet, increasing its dimensional stability and mechanical resistance.

    [0034] At the end of the wrapping operation, the sack is joined to the pallet and moved.

    [0035] A new pallet and a new sack are positioned on the platform and the operation can be repeated.


    1. A method for the packaging of wet or dry solids, for transportation and/or storage, comprising the following steps:

    * conveying, by means of a suitable device, said wet or dry solids in a sack (4) made of plastic material, previously positioned and maintained in a vertical position so that during the loading the mouth of said sack is kept open, said sack resting directly or indirectly on a vibrating platform (6), which vibrates during the loading with oscillating movements with respect to the vertical and/or horizontal axis, so as to obtain a homogeneous compacting of said solids inside the sack;

    * interruption of the loading of the sack, when a pre-determined loading level has been reached;

    * hermetic sealing of said sack and subsequent vacuum-packing by means of a suitable device, activated and maintained in operation until a pre-determined pressure value has been reached;

    * wrapping of the sealed vacuum-packed sack, by means of a wrapping machine (7) having a rotating platform, with a film of plastic material so that it is suitable for transportation and/or storage,
    wherein the rotating platform of the wrapping machine (7) is beneath the vibrating platform (6), but kept separate from the same, and
    wherein the wet or dry solids contain or consist of sulfur in the solid state.

    2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the wet or dry solids are in the form of sludge or powders.
    3. The method according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the wet or dry solids contain or consist of sulfur in the solid state.
    4. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sack (4) made of plastic material is a multilayer material.
    5. The method according to claim 4, wherein the multilayer material consists of polyethylene externally and nylon internally.
    6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the thickness of the polyethylene ranges from 0.15 to 0.5 mm and the thickness of the nylon ranges from 0.05 to 0.10 mm.
    7. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sack rests on a pallet (5), in turn positioned on the vibrating platform (6).
    8. The method according to claim 7, wherein the wrapping of the sealed vacuum-packed sack by means of a wrapping machine (7) is effected by wrapping not only said sack but also the pallet (5) on which the sack rests.
    9. The method according to claim 1, wherein the vibrating platform (6) is kept detached from the rotating platform of the wrapping machine (7) by a hydraulic lifting system.
    10. A system for the packaging of wet or dry solids, for transportation and/or storage, comprising:

    * a conveying device (1), preferably a hopper;

    * a sack (4) made of plastic material, preferably having a substantially cylindrical shape;

    * a metallic structure (2) for holding the sack (4), preferably consisting of a column and a horizontal arm to which the hooking system of the sack is fixed;

    * a vacuum-producing machine (3), preferably a vacuum pump;

    * a vibrating platform (6);

    * a wrapping machine (7) with a rotating platform;

    * a control system;

    * possibly a pallet (5) resting on the vibrating platform (6); characterized by the sack (4) made of plastic material being positioned on the vibrating platform (6) or on the pallet (5),
    wherein the rotating platform of the wrapping machine (7) is beneath the vibrating platform (6), but kept separate from the same, and
    wherein the wet or dry solids contain or consist of sulfur in the solid state.

    11. The system according to claim 10, wherein the vibrating platform (6) is kept detached from the rotating platform of the wrapping machine (7) by a hydraulic lifting system.


    1. Verfahren zum Verpacken von feuchten oder trockenen Feststoffen, zum Transport und/oder zur Lagerung, umfassend die folgenden Schritte:

    * Befördern, mittels einer geeigneten Vorrichtung, der feuchten oder trockenen Feststoffe in einen Sack (4) aus Plastikmaterial, der zuvor in einer vertikalen Position positioniert und gehalten wird, so dass während des Beladens die Öffnung des Sacks offen gehalten wird, wobei der Sack direkt oder indirekt auf einer vibrierenden Plattform (6) ruht, welche während des Beladens mit oszillierenden Bewegungen bezüglich der vertikalen und/oder horizontalen Achse vibriert, um so ein homogenes Verdichten der Feststoffe in dem Sack zu erhalten;

    * Unterbrechung des Beladens des Sacks, wenn ein vorbestimmter Grad der Beladung erreicht worden ist;

    * hermetisches Verschließen des Sacks und anschließendes Vakuum-Verpacken mittels einer geeigneten Vorrichtung, die aktiviert und in Betrieb gehalten wird bis ein vorbestimmter Druckwert erreicht worden ist;

    * Umwickeln des verschlossenen Vakuum-verpackten Sacks, mittels einer Umwicklungsmaschine (7), welche eine rotierende Plattform aufweist, mit einer Folie aus Plastikmaterial, so dass er geeignet ist zum Transport und/oder zur Lagerung,
    wobei die rotierende Plattform der Umwicklungsmaschine (7) unterhalb der vibrierenden Plattform (6) ist, aber getrennt von der selbigen gehalten wird, und
    wobei die feuchten oder trockenen Feststoffe Schwefel im festen Zustand enthalten oder daraus bestehen.

    2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei die feuchten oder trockenen Feststoffe in der Form von Schlamm oder Pulvern sind.
    3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1 oder 2, wobei die feuchten oder trockenen Feststoffe Schwefel im festen Zustand enthalten oder daraus bestehen.
    4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei der Sack (4) aus Plastikmaterial ein mehrschichtiges Material ist.
    5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 4, wobei das mehrschichtige Material außen aus Polyethylen und innen aus Nylon besteht.
    6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 5, wobei die Dicke des Polyethylens im Bereich von 0,15 bis 0,5 mm liegt und die Dicke des Nylons im Bereich von 0,05 bis 0,10 mm liegt.
    7. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei der Sack auf einer Palette (5) ruht, welche wiederum auf der vibrierenden Plattform (6) positioniert ist.
    8. Verfahren nach Anspruch 7, wobei das Umwickeln des verschlossenen Vakuum-verpackten Sacks mittels einer Umwicklungsmaschine (7) durch Umwickeln nicht nur des Sacks, sondern auch der Palette (5), auf der der Sack ruht, bewirkt wird.
    9. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei die vibrierende Plattform (6) abgetrennt von der rotierenden Plattform der Umwicklungsmaschine (7) mittels eines hydraulischen Hebesystems gehalten wird.
    10. System zum Verpacken von feuchten oder trockenen Feststoffen, zum Transport und/oder zur Lagerung, umfassend

    * eine Beförderungsvorrichtung (1), bevorzugt einen Trichter;

    * einen Sack (4) aus Plastikmaterial, welcher bevorzugt eine im Wesentlichen zylindrische Form aufweist;

    * eine metallische Struktur (2) zum Halten des Sacks (4), welche bevorzugt aus einer Säule und einem horizontalen Arm, an welchen das Anhakungssystem des Sacks fixiert ist, besteht;

    * eine Vakuum erzeugende Maschine (3), bevorzugt eine VakuumPumpe;

    * eine vibrierende Plattform (6);

    * eine Umwicklungsmaschine (7) mit einer rotierenden Plattform;

    * ein Kontrollsystem;

    * gegebenenfalls eine Palette (5), welche auf der vibrierenden Plattform (6) ruht;
    dadurch gekennzeichnet,
    dass der Sack (4) aus Plastikmaterial auf der vibrierenden Plattform (6) oder auf der Palette (5) positioniert ist,
    wobei die rotierende Plattform der Umwicklungsmaschine (7) unterhalb der vibrierenden Plattform (6) ist, aber getrennt von der selbigen gehalten wird, und
    wobei die feuchten oder trockenen Feststoffe Schwefel im festen Zustand enthalten oder daraus bestehen.

    11. System nach Anspruch 10, wobei die vibrierende Plattform (6) abgetrennt von der rotierenden Plattform der Umwicklungsmaschine (7) mittels eines hydraulischen Hebesystems gehalten wird.


    1. Procédé pour l'emballage de solides humides ou secs, pour le transport et/ou le stockage, comprenant les étapes suivantes :

    - le convoyage, à l'aide d'un dispositif adapté, desdits solides humides ou secs dans un sac (4) en matière plastique, positionné et maintenu au préalable dans une position verticale de sorte que pendant le chargement, l'ouverture dudit sac soit maintenue ouverte, ledit sac reposant directement ou indirectement sur une plateforme vibrante (6) qui vibre pendant le chargement avec des mouvements oscillants par rapport à l'axe vertical et/ou horizontal de sorte à obtenir un compactage homogène desdits solides dans le sac ;

    - l'interruption du chargement du sac, lorsqu'un niveau de chargement prédéterminé a été atteint ;

    - le scellage hermétique dudit sac et l'emballage sous vide subséquent à l'aide d'un dispositif adapté, activé et maintenu en fonctionnement jusqu'à ce qu'une valeur de pression prédéterminée ait été atteinte ;

    - l'enveloppement du sac emballé à vide scellé à l'aide d'une machine d'enveloppement (7) présentant une plateforme rotative avec un film de matière plastique de sorte qu'il soit adapté pour le transport et/ou le stockage,
    dans lequel la plateforme rotative de la machine d'enveloppement (7) est sous la plateforme vibrante (6) mais est maintenue séparée de celle-ci et
    dans lequel les solides humides ou secs contiennent ou se composent de soufre à l'état solide.

    2. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel les solides humides ou secs se présentent sous la forme de boue ou de poudres.
    3. Procédé selon la revendication 1 ou 2, dans lequel les solides humides ou secs contiennent ou se composent de soufre à l'état solide.
    4. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le sac (4) constitué de matière plastique est en matériau multicouche.
    5. Procédé selon la revendication 4, dans lequel le matériau multicouche se compose de polyéthylène en externe et de nylon en interne.
    6. Procédé selon la revendication 5, dans lequel l'épaisseur du polyéthylène varie de 0,15 mm à 0,5 mm et l'épaisseur du nylon varie de 0,05 mm à 0,10 mm.
    7. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le sac repose sur une palette (5) positionnée à son tour sur la plateforme vibrante (6).
    8. Procédé selon la revendication 7, dans lequel l'enveloppement du sac emballé à vide scellé à l'aide d'une machine d'enveloppement (7) est effectué par enveloppement non seulement dudit sac mais aussi de la palette (5), sur laquelle le sac repose.
    9. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel la plateforme vibrante (6) est maintenue détachée de la plateforme rotative de la machine d'enveloppement (7) par un système de levage hydraulique.
    10. Système pour l'emballage de solides humides ou secs pour le transport et/ou le stockage, comprenant :

    - un dispositif de convoyage (1), de préférence une trémie ;

    - un sac (4) en matière plastique de préférence présentant une forme sensiblement cylindrique ;

    - une structure métallique (2) pour maintenir le sac (4), de préférence composée d'une colonne et d'un bras horizontal, auquel le système d'accrochage du sac est fixé ;

    - une machine de production de vide (3), de préférence une pompe à vide ;

    - une plateforme vibrante (6);

    - une machine d'emballage (7) avec une plateforme rotative ;

    - un système de commande ;

    - éventuellement une palette (5) reposant sur la plateforme vibrante (6) ;
    caractérisé en ce que
    le sac (4) en matière plastique est positionné sur la plateforme vibrante (6) ou sur la palette (5),
    dans lequel la plateforme rotative de la machine d'enveloppement (7) est sous la plateforme vibrante (6) mais est maintenue séparée de celle-ci et
    dans lequel les solides humides ou secs contiennent ou se composent de soufre à l'état solide.

    11. Procédé selon la revendication 10, dans lequel la plateforme vibrante (6) est maintenue détachée de la plateforme rotative de la machine d'emballage (7) par un système de levage hydraulique.


    Cited references


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    Patent documents cited in the description