Global Patent Index - EP 0170424 A1

EP 0170424 A1 19860205 - A magazine system for a fastener driving tool.

Title (en)

A magazine system for a fastener driving tool.

Title (de)

Magazinsystem für ein Gerät zum Einschlagen von Befestigungsmitteln.

Title (fr)

Système de magasins pour un outil d'enfoncement d'éléments de fixation.


EP 0170424 A1 19860205 (EN)


EP 85304704 A 19850702


US 62739684 A 19840703

Abstract (en)

A manually attachable and detachable, interchangeable magazine system (5) for use with fastener driving tools of the type having a housing (3) containing a driver operating mechanism for driving a fastener by multiple blows and of the type having a housing containing a driver operating mechanism for driving a fastener by a single blow. Each magazine contains a plurality of fasteners and a driver (14) therefor. Each magazine is removably affixable by hand to one of the tool housing and a carrier within the tool housing. In the instance of a multiple-blow tool, the magazine is shiftable with respect to the tool housing between a normal extended position and a retracted position within the housing. In the instance of a single-blow tool, the magazine is fixed with respect to the tool housing. Each magazine can be a refillable and reusable magazine, or a single-use, disposable magazine. Magazines containing different types of fasteners are interchangeable within the system.

IPC 1-7

B25C 5/16

IPC 8 full level

B25C 1/00 (2006.01); B25C 5/16 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP KR)

B25C 1/06 (2013.01 - KR); B25C 5/1686 (2013.01 - EP)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0170424 A1 19860205; EP 0170424 B1 19900905; AU 4449485 A 19860109; AU 587194 B2 19890810; CA 1246803 A 19881220; DE 3579527 D1 19901011; DK 303685 A 19860104; DK 303685 D0 19850703; ES 544837 A0 19860601; ES 8607791 A1 19860601; FI 852612 A0 19850702; FI 852612 L 19860104; JP S6171977 A 19860412; KR 860000930 A 19860220; NO 162331 B 19890904; NO 162331 C 19891213; NO 852658 L 19860106; NZ 212634 A 19871127

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 85304704 A 19850702; AU 4449485 A 19850702; CA 486245 A 19850703; DE 3579527 T 19850702; DK 303685 A 19850703; ES 544837 A 19850703; FI 852612 A 19850702; JP 14485385 A 19850703; KR 850004807 A 19850703; NO 852658 A 19850702; NZ 21263485 A 19850703