Global Patent Index - EP 0700853 B1

EP 0700853 B1 19981216 - Method for driving and controlling, with application in the further treatment of printed products

Title (en)

Method for driving and controlling, with application in the further treatment of printed products

Title (de)

Steuer- und Kontrollverfahren zur Anwendung in der Weiterverarbeitung von Druckereierzeugnissen

Title (fr)

Procédé de commande et de contrÔle avec application dans le traitement ultérieur de produits imprimés


EP 0700853 B1 19981216 (DE)


EP 95810528 A 19950823


CH 273594 A 19940907

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0700853A1] The control system is used for processing previously printed products for assembly into a magazine, brochure, or newspaper etc., using control pulses provided by comparing an image of each printed product with a reference image. A number of image processing modules (1) are used for respective momentary processing stages, each allowing a scanned image, provided by an image scanner (2), to be compared with a reference image. Each module has image inputs and outputs (Ii,Oi) and control pulse inputs and outputs (I1,I4,I4',O1), with interconnection of the modules via their inputs and outputs, to obtain the required control system configuration.

IPC 1-7

B65H 7/02

IPC 8 full level

B41F 33/00 (2006.01); B41F 33/14 (2006.01); B41F 33/16 (2006.01); B65H 7/02 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

B65H 7/02 (2013.01 - EP US); B65H 2511/413 (2013.01 - EP US); B65H 2513/42 (2013.01 - EP US); B65H 2513/51 (2013.01 - EP US)

C-Set (source: EP US)

  1. B65H 2511/413 + B65H 2220/03
  2. B65H 2513/42 + B65H 2220/02
  3. B65H 2513/51 + B65H 2220/02

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0700853 A1 19960313; EP 0700853 B1 19981216; CA 2156957 A1 19960308; CA 2156957 C 20070417; DE 59504541 D1 19990128; JP 2008162291 A 20080717; JP H0885197 A 19960402; US 5956414 A 19990921

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 95810528 A 19950823; CA 2156957 A 19950825; DE 59504541 T 19950823; JP 2008059818 A 20080310; JP 22976395 A 19950907; US 52176295 A 19950831