Global Patent Index - EP 0794540 A1

EP 0794540 A1 19970910 - Small bistable magnet

Title (en)

Small bistable magnet

Title (de)

Bistabiler Kleinmagnet

Title (fr)

Petit aimant bistable


EP 0794540 A1 19970910 (DE)


EP 97102643 A 19970219


DE 19608953 A 19960308

Abstract (en)

The bistable small magnet has an armature (4) arranged for axial movement in a coil arrangement. A pole piece is fixedly arranged in or on an end of the coil (2). The armature (4) is pushed to and away from the pole piece when corresponding current passes through the coil (2). The armature (4) has an axially polarised permanent magnet (6) which holds the armature in the attracted position without current. With a corresponding flow of current in the coil the attracting force of the permanent magnet (6) is neutralised and the armature (4) is moved by the force of a spring into its output position or stroke start position. The armature (4) has a weakly magnetic secondary terminal (7) for the permanent magnet (6). At the stroke start position the middle of the permanent magnet (6), viewed in the axial direction, lies in the plane of the start of the coil (2).

Abstract (de)

Für einen bistabilen Kleinmagneten mit einem Tauchanker, in den ein Permanentmagnet eingefügt ist, wird vorgeschlagen, den Anker mit einem weichmagnetischen Nebenschluß für den Permanentmagneten zu versehen und den Permanentmagneten in einer besonderen Lage in Bezug auf die Spule anzuordnen. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

H01F 7/16

IPC 8 full level

H01F 7/16 (2006.01); E05B 47/06 (2006.01); H01F 7/122 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01F 7/1615 (2013.01); E05B 47/0004 (2013.01); E05B 47/0611 (2013.01); H01F 7/122 (2013.01); H01F 2007/1669 (2013.01); H01H 2051/2218 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0794540 A1 19970910; EP 0794540 B1 19990428; AT E179546 T1 19990515; DE 19608953 A1 19970911; DE 59700140 D1 19990602

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 97102643 A 19970219; AT 97102643 T 19970219; DE 19608953 A 19960308; DE 59700140 T 19970219