Global Patent Index - EP 1478046 A1

EP 1478046 A1 20041117 - Load structure for an antenna

Title (en)

Load structure for an antenna

Title (de)

Laststruktur für eine Antenne

Title (fr)

Structure de charge pour une antenne


EP 1478046 A1 20041117 (EN)


EP 03017216 A 20030729


  • EP 03017216 A 20030729
  • EP 03010599 A 20030512

Abstract (en)

The present invention proposes a load structure (1) for an antenna (3), which comprises a substrate (5) with a first face adapted to be connected to a feeding connection (4) and with a second face adapted to be connected to an antenna (3) or antenna connection (3a). A first metal structure (7, 8) is located on the first face and a second metal structure (6) is located on the second face, whereby the first metal structure (7, 8) is electrically connected to the second metal structure (6) and the first and/or the second metal structure comprise at least one load element (8). <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

H01Q 1/24; H01R 13/03

IPC 8 full level

H01Q 1/24 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01Q 1/241 (2013.01); H01Q 1/246 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1478046 A1 20041117

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 03017216 A 20030729