Global Patent Index - EP 1865576 B1

EP 1865576 B1 20150506 - A dual-polar antenna for a base station of mobile radio systems with adjustable azimuth beamwidth

Title (en)

A dual-polar antenna for a base station of mobile radio systems with adjustable azimuth beamwidth

Title (de)

Dualpolarisierte Antenne für eine Basisstation eines Mobilfunksystems mit einstellbarer Strahlungskeulenbreite

Title (fr)

Antenne à double polarisation avec largeur de faisceau ajustable en azimut pour une station de base d'un système radio mobile


EP 1865576 B1 20150506 (EN)


EP 06300564 A 20060607


EP 06300564 A 20060607

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP1865576A1] The present invention concerns a dual-polar antenna for a base station of mobile radio systems with adjustable azimuth beamwidth comprising at least a set of radiating elements (30) aligned horizontally, said set of radiating elements (30) including an inner group of radiating elements (100) and two outer groups of radiating elements (101, 102) and said antenna comprising at least a power division network (200) connected to each group of radiating elements (100, 101, 102). According to the invention, the inner group of radiating elements (100) is configured to radiate or receive two nominally orthogonally polarized signals and the outer groups of radiating elements (101, 102) are configured to radiate or receive signals with a single polarization. This dual-polar antenna has a chosen value of azimuth beamwidth using a simpler and less costly arrangement of radiating elements and feed networks.

IPC 8 full level

H01Q 21/24 (2006.01); H01Q 1/24 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01Q 1/246 (2013.01); H01Q 21/24 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 1865576 A1 20071212; EP 1865576 B1 20150506; ES 2544564 T3 20150901; WO 2007141281 A1 20071213

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 06300564 A 20060607; EP 2007055538 W 20070605; ES 06300564 T 20060607